happy ever after?

521 10 4

angsty chapter *evil laugh*

jk also a day early bc tomorrow is my sister's birthday!!!!

It's just perfect. Now all she has to do is wait for lunch and the right time. As Sara stares blankly into the white wall. Finally, after an entire three hours of waiting the bell rang. At the canteen, the stage was there waiting for her to walk up the stairs to strum her beautiful melody, but the time wasn't right.

Kujou was there, backstage, after waiting for what felt like around thirty minutes she has to wait for the song that Barbara has been pouring her heart out onto the song she sang to be done. As Sara waited for Barbara to be done to finally sing her song, the very one she practiced for ten days, then maybe Kokomi feels the same.

As the curtains open to reveal a very nervous Kujou in dark purple and light pink to match with Kokos hair, Kokomi starts to walk away until... 

"I-I made this song for someone very special, although she must hate me" she started "but she is very special and I really, really do love her, and I would totally understand if you hate me, honestly I would if I were her..." she takes a deep breath but stops as Kokomi isn't there anymore. She doesn't want to be there anymore but she has to do this (well not really but she loves her mermaid a lot so... THERE ISNT AN OPTION, not for her at least) shaky legs step closer to the microphone as she closes her eyes and she starts singing 

"There's one thing id rather do and it's being right next to you.

Is this a fantasy or a dream if it's with you it must be?

I just can't find the right words to describe this feeling

It's so amazing just so refreshing, so magical, just fantastical,

But you can't see it, my dearest 

How much my love for you is

It's out of the room and I wish to show you

Today is yours

You will be mine that is for sure

I will show you the world and take my hand as I hold you close to me

I just love you, my dear, Kokomi"

she opens her eyes to see that Kokomi is there again, as she gets off the stage she is pushed against a wall 

"what are you doing Sara!? have you gone mad!?"Koko says quietly enough for the both of them to hear 

"I'm sorry okay, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner but my feelings for you had developed since the first day and I'm sorry for being a complete asshole but... you had to know one day or another and today is the perfect day, or at least I hope? "

"... I don't know what to think anymore Sara" 

"how about if I answer for you?"

"huh?-"  Sara pulls her into a deep kiss, Kokomi clearly loves this her soft lips met Kujous(I suck at writing feelings and I've never kissed anyone so I don't know how to write it : ) sdfghj. )


"...hi Gorou..."

"sooo... you're not single anymore, that's good."

"... I guess I'm not single anymore."

and they get married? idfk at this point but whatever ig 

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