Chapter one?

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Kokomi is a girl that has been bullied for several years all because she has lymphoma-type cancer. She's been bullied for nine years straight but this story starts when she is in first grade.

"There will be a new student coming today!" the teacher said

"you can now present yourself to the class."

"my name is Kujou Sara... it's a pleasure to meet you all, but if you mess with me It won't be, and I will have a dead body, so don't."

" can sit next to Kokomi."

"What type of name is Kokomi? it sounds like a fish."

the new student's words were colder than Eula's cryo vision. Everyone started laughing. Kokomi sank her head to prevent being seen by anyone and being laughed at, she doesn't want to be looked at knowing that this will haunt her for the rest of her life.

She wanted to cry

After school, she met up with her classmates Mona, Eula, and Ayaka, who were preparing for their ballet classes, and the time went by fast since it already was 5 pm. after Kokomi said goodbye, it was only her and the new student, Kujou Sara

"ugh, now I have to wait with you. why don't you say anything or are you too stupid to."

"Sorry," Kokomi whispered under her breath but Kujou still heard it

"Why are you sorry, are you sorry because you're stupid, or sorry because you just can't say anything louder. I should buy you a microphone just to hear you whisper, but you're not worth my time nor my money. you are just a loser, okay and I need you to get that through your stupid little head don't ever speak to me ever again."


every word she said hurt like hell and she didn't know how to react to it. when her parents arrived everything felt better, a lot better

"is that your friend Koko?" her mother asked innocently

Kokomi slowly shook her head

at her house, she finally could say hi to her younger brother, Gorou

"Hi, Gorou! how are you did you make any new friends?"

"no, but school was fun today."

"well, what did you do today?"

"painting. and you?"

"a new student from Nakurami came to our class today."

"is she your new friend?"


the next day was cruel to her, luckily she has friends to be with her so she doesn't feel lonely at school

"Hi, Kokomi!"

"Hi, Venti!" yes, she was friends with one of the most popular kids at school, Venti

"Hi." Sara said like if she was saying "hi I hate you" her personality was cold yet elegant and little Kokomi wants to befriend her, but she is mean and vile, it's only her second day here.

An hour later it's recess 

Kokomi finds herself right in front of Kujou Sara 

"ugh, what do you want loser?"


"what did you say? I can't hear you, speak up."

"..."  Kokomi walked away fast with her head down but because of that, accidentally bumped into Ajax Tartaglia, another popular kid

"sorry, Kokomi." Ajax had a hydro vision and was only in first grade. Kokomi had gotten hers yesterday when her mother had become the Head Priestess of Watatsumi, the City she lives in. but she doesn't know how she got the vision and not her mother.

"it's my fault I'm sorry."

The next chapter is High School Kokomi! (or something ig)

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