"There's a Mummy On Main Street"

Start from the beginning

"Woot. Road trip."

An hour into the ride, Alaric was jamming to some atrocious music.

Hope wiped the sweat off of her forehead, complaining, "I'm boiling."

"I'm freezing," Lizzie added.

"I'm starving," Josie spoke nonchalantly as she removed her earphones.

Dr.Saltzman catered to Hope's complaint, turning on the ac.

"Punch buggy," Lizzie spoke, punching Hope's arm and quickly looking away. The Mikaelson glanced at me, I shrugged my shoulders.

"Okay, sandwiches," Dorian, Artemis, and Emma said from the back of the minivan.

"Dad, did you only pack meat?" Josie questioned her father.

"J-Just baloney?" the vampire asked.

"I told you, it's meat," Josie told him while I threw the sandwich my sister gave me back to her but Hope grabbed it and put it in my hand.

"Eat it," she ordered me and I rolled my eyes.

"Punch buggy, no returns," Lizzie smirked as she punched Hope again.

I think I'm," Josie tried to warn us before she puked into the brown paper bag.

Everyone groaned and I think the blonde twin shrieked moving her body closer to the window.

"Oh, my Zeus."

Ten minutes after she puked, the brunette did it once more and I contemplated teleporting myself on the highway so a car could run me over. Lizzie kept asking her father if we were there yet and after the tenth time, he finally said yes.

"Never again," I mumbled, getting out of the minivan.


"Fun fact: this town has the biggest ball of yarn in the country," Josie informed her twin and I after she finished speaking with another local. "And nobody's seen anything strange."

"This isn't exactly a hotspot of activity," I told her as I sat next to Lizzie on the ledge of a fountain while Hope walked toward us.

"Our hopes of finding anything are going up in smoke," Lizzie said causing Hope to turn around and look at her.

"Wait, are you passive-aggressively referring to that fire in my dorm room three years ago?" the tribrid wondered and I raised an eyebrow.

"You mean the one that you set on purpose to sabotage our spring break trip with our dad? No, Hope. Why would I talk about that?"

"Dude, you've lost it."

"The only thing that we lost was a week of quality family time." Lizzie stood up, towering over the short tribrid. "Dad had to cancel the trip to deal with the damage. So mission accomplished."

"You guys are just talking about ancient history," Josie interrupted their argument and then slapped her arm. "Ow! Something stung me."

We all walked over to the brunette who showed us her arm. A bright red spot appeared on it.



A sudden buzzing noise was heard once I looked up I figured out where it came from.

"Girls," I called out as a swarm of bugs flew over our heads.

"This is plague-y, right?" Hope questioned. "It seems plague-y."

The locals screamed and ran for cover while Josie spoke, "It's plague-y."

Following the locals' action, we ran and entered the nearest building.

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