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I know not all of this is canon but just work with me here

Hanako/Amane p.o.v:

"Y-Yashiro, what happened to him?" I asked while unknowingly trembling in fear. "Have you ever heard of a quirk?" She asked us. All of us responded no. Yashrio sighed and began to explain what a quirk was "A quirk is a superhuman ability that more then 50% of mankind has developed, this town is made for quirkless people because most people that are quirkless get bullied. A quirk can be used for both good and bad, depending on the user. So, some people become hero's and some people become villans, the number one hero is Endeavor, but it used to be a man named All Might." All of us were still trying to process the information when Mr. Tsuchigomori asked "Wait, but why haven't we heard of quirks before?" "This town is part of the percentage that doesn't have quirks, and people here don't really talk about it so that's probably why." She answered. After a minute Yako spoke up, "let's keep watching to see where this leads us."  Yashiro sighed again, "are you sure you guys can handle this? I know Kou is an Exorcist and you guys are ghosts but it's really dark" "Don't worry about us Nene!" Kou grinned. "Okay" she responded as the video started again. (Act like they're actually there but invisible and only Yashiro-San can pause)

No ones p.o.v:

Eri's mom threw her, "You! You monster what have you done to my husband!" She screamed. She looked petrified and disowned her. Nene went through all that? Kou thought sadly. (It's about to get way worse) then, the scene changed. "Where are we now?" Asked Mr.Tsuchigomori. "After my mom disowned me my grandpa took me in. But he gave me to a man name Chisaki or Overhaul." Nene said while starting to cover her eyes. "I'll finish explaining after this, I'm too scared to look" "O-okay" Hanako said a little startled that she was this scared. Soon a man came in, which they assumed was Chisaki, the old man said "It seems like the girls ability manifested, and it's unlike any quirk on either side of the family. A mutation rather then an inherited power, I hear it's extremely rare but it happens, I'm told she doesn't know how it works and how to use it and that she has no awareness of his activation. From the sound of it her quirk may be similar to yours. So I want  you to take care of her" so of course he did what his master did and took in Eri.

(Change scene to when Eri's on bed afraid to go to Overhaul.)

Hanako/Amane p.o.v:

We were watching when suddenly the scene changed. Yashiro was on a bed and the man named Overhaul opened the door. Why does Yashiro look so scared? I thought. But she still went with him. They were walking down a hallway when Overhaul stopped and showed a chair, which Yashiro soon sat in. They then buckled her hand and took out a knife. "WHAT IS HE GOING TO DO?!" I screamed angrily. "J-just keep watching" she said in a shaky voice. I started watching again, and what he did horrified me, he started cutting her arm. "WHAT THE HELL?! I'LL KILL THAT BASTARD!" screamed Kou, I was infuriated by what I saw. They extracted her blood and her hand started healing herself? "W-what? Since when can you do that?" Kou asked. But she wasn't listening because she was crying in the corner while covering her ears. So we just kept watching. But yet again the scene changed. We were watching some guy trying to get to Yashiro, he has dark green hair and eyes, I also saw a brown haired girl with a black and pick body suit holding a guy with dark green with a strike of yellow hair. He looked like he was about to die. When I turned I saw another guy, he had blond hair and 1000 on his shirt. I looked back at the guy with green hair and eyes. It looked like he was trying to catch Yashiro, in which he did. But then that Overhaul guy somehow broke the rock he was on and tentacles (?) Came out, trying to kill the boy. But when it did it got destroyed, and he went into the air. From what I could tell he was surprised, but got used to it quickly. (we're just gonna skip to after the fight with overhaul, they were really impressed with what they call broccoli boy) we stood there staring "Wow, he was amazing" we all said. But then when he stopped he was in pain, it looked like Yashiro was using her "quirk" which consumed him in light and he looked in pain, to be honest I was mostly worried about Yashiro, her eyes had went white and she kept thinking "STOP! STOP! STOP!" (They can hear what she's thinking) we all looked worried until a man with long black hair activated his quirk which made his hair float and his eyes turn red, when he looked into her eyes her quirk seemed to stop and she passed out. Again, the scene changed, we were now in a bright lite room with both broccoli head a 1000 dude sitting in front of Yashiro asking her to smile, but what she said next made all of us both shocked, upset, angry, and guilt (bc they thought it was just something emberessing) but I was feeling one other emotion, a murderous one. But all of a sudden we were transported to the real world.


892 words! Probably gonna make a short chapter today or tomorrow! This is way more fun to write then my other books!

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