• library •

Depuis le début

He'd been bored after finally moving out of his father's home. And since he wanted an apartment close to the hospital where his mom was admitted, its demand was high, and naturally, he needed more money than what he left home with.

And as tempted as he was to steal Enji's credit card, he wanted no role played by his shitbag of a dad in his new life.

So he decided to look for a part-time job to buy (or rent, however things play out) a proper apartment withing walking distance from the hospital.

He was confident he would land one, and easily at that too. Counting down the facts, it would be as simple as taking candy from a sleeping child.

He was Shoto Todoroki, an upcoming model, son of Enji Todoroki, a famous producer, who (according to Shoto) tried too hard when he named himself Endeavor as his alias.

He was rich (or he used to be), pretty, partly famous, and he sounded like a total brat, so he decided to stop this trail of thoughts.

But the point was proven, and he somehow got a job working as an assistant librarian.

His job was easy. All he had to do was help people with genres and navigation, sometimes rearrange books, and, most importantly, memorise what bookcase held what titles.

Compared to the years of academic abuse Enji had subjected him to, this was a piece of cake.

And so he stood there, a couple of mystery thrillers piled on his left arm, he was just about to move past the final column of books when he saw something peculiar.

Coming from him, calling someone's hair unique was a very unusual occurrence.

But he had sworn he'd never seen anyone's hair so-


And fluffy.

And he couldn't think of anything else but a broccoli.

"Excuse me?" The short broccoli person turned towards him sharply, swiftly inching close with what seemed to be season 1 Bakugo steps.

Pardon the break in dimensions.

"M-" For a second, his voice got stuck in his throat, still wondering how this person had such vegetable-esque hair, "May I be of your assistance?"

The short boy, (or was that a girl? They had soft features and a thin build, so he genuinely couldn't tell) stared at his name tag, which rested on his upper chest, before bursting into a fountain of mumbled words, "Todoroki Shoto."

He could only let out a small 'yes-" before the person set out on their word vomit.

"Look, I've been called lots of things in the past, all because of my hair, and I know it looks like a broccoli, but that doesn't mean you can say that to someone's face!" He erupted into a clamour of exaggerated actions, flailing his arms around, "And to a stranger at that! Besides, I was already having trouble trying to get that book from up there, and then what do I hear? Yeah, that's right, a certain someone randomly exclaim (fact check: Todoroki did not actually exclaim) 'broccoli' out of the middle of nowhere, and then I turn around 'cuz I know it's addressed to me, because let's be honest, how many people get called that, and then I see who? That's right, you! And I'll have you that is extremely rude-"

Todoroki was so lost he might as well have called an Uber.

"Wait a minute, sir, uh, ma'am? Uh, person," Not his best start but he was getting there, "I'm confused?"

"..." The broccoli, best not to call them that from here on out, "I'm a guy." He deadpanned.

"Apologies. I'm confused, er, sir."

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