First Conversation

655 85 202

Double update.

"Attention please. I am crime branch officer RM and I am incharge of Marie's kidnapping case. Marie was an employee in the KSJ group of industries. The company over there and the man who is standing here beside me is Kim Seokjin, the owner of that company.

Marie is missing for days and someone informed us that they have seen her getting taken from outside this cafe. So, I want y'all to cooperate with me and answer the questions I asked. Thank you!" Namjoon announced with all the seriousness and just like a real police officer.

Jungkook and Jin were standing beside him and snickered.

He glared at Jin, "You are laughing at me? When I am helping you here? Seriously, do you have any shame?"

Jin tried to hold his laughter but it was hard not to laugh seeing Namjoon like that.

Namjoon is acting as an officer and so that no one recognize him they have changed his look a little. A little includes moustache, beard, police uniform and cap to hide his face. He had made his voice even more deeper. He is walking different from his usual self.

And Jinkook who know this can't help but laugh.

"You are hilarious Joon." Jin said hiding his laugh so that no customer doubt them.

"Ok. That's it. I am done." Namjoon said done and walking away.

"Ok ok, I am sorry. I will behave."

Namjoon rolled his eyes but stopped nonetheless.

They then start going over every table and asked them questions.

Jin was tagging along with Namjoon but his eyes were mainly on Taehyung who was with his son, looking at them confused and curious.


"Kidnapping case? I didn't heard about anyone getting kidnapped." Taehyung said looking at Namjoon and Jin.

"I didn't too." Aarav said pouting.

Taehyung smiled at him, "You are little. It's good you didn't."

"I am not little." Aarav get defensive, "How many times I have to say that?"

"Ah ok! When you will be able to pick the chocolates that I put in the upper shelf in kitchen I will definitely consider you as an adult. Right now you are little."

Aarav huffed and puffed his cheeks.

Taehyung giggled.

They then looked at Namjoon and Jin who came to them for the investigation.

"Hello officer!" Taehyung said to Namjoon.

"Hello!" Namjoon greeted back.

Seokjin cleared his throat behind him, indicating that he wants to get introduced too but Namjoon ignored him.

No use of increasing suspicions.

Jin narrowed his eyes at him that no one noticed.

Well someone did.

Aarav was looking at Jin.

When Jin saw that the kid is looking at him he to be polite smile lightly. But it came out as tight lip smile and not friendly.

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