First Crush

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Seokjin slumped down in his chair as soon as he came inside his office, making Namjoon roll his eyes who was just behind him.

"Why don't you take a break, if you are so tired, huh?"

Jin who was massaging his forehead, shook his head.

"I don't want that."

Namjoon scoffed, "Ofcourse you want that. Infact you need it. It's been 5 years since you have taken this CEO post and since then there isn't a single day you didn't work. Now, I think you should take a break hyung. You deserve it." his voice got soft in last.

"Namjoon-ah, I seriously don't need it." Jin still stubbornly declined, "I love this."

"I know but you aren't a robot hyung." Namjoon sighed, "Ok fine. How about just for today?"

"Nah! I have a meeting in an hour."

"No, you don't. They cancelled."

"They cancelled? Why?"

"They got some other important work. And I think it's for the best. Now you are free for whole day, so why don't you take advantage of it?"

"You are not going to let this go, do you?" Jin asked with a tired smile.

Namjoon laughed, "No. Not today. Now stand up and go to Kookie's cafe. He will be happy to see you there early."

Jin dramatically rolled his eyes but agreed.

He straightened his coat, took his phone, said goodbye to Namjoon and left for Kookie's cafe.


Kim Seokjin is a 29 year old well known businessman. He took the CEO position of KSJ group of industries when he was 24, that is 5 years ago. Since then he has given his best to this company and made it more successful than it already was.

But in between all this he has always neglected his personal life and his health.

Kim Namjoon, his manager and best friend get always worried about him and ask him to take a break but Jin always declined.

The only relaxing time he has in a day is half an hour break in Kookie's cafe.

Seokjin's another younger best friend Jeon Jungkook is the owner of the Kookie's cafe.

Everyday Jin go there at 2pm sharp to eat and drink something for lunch and also to meet his bestfriend.

Namjoon also always join him.

But today Jin has finally taken a break and so he is going there early and without Namjoon.


In Kookie's cafe:

As soon as Jin entered inside the cafe he was drown in a tight koala hug.

Jin laughed, "How did you know I am coming?"

Jungkook chuckled, "I saw you coming outside, so I get excited but what are you doing here early though?"

"Can't I come to meet my little bestfriend?" Jin asked fake offended and then winking at last.

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "I would have been happy if that's the case but you and me both know how true is that. Anyways, so did Namjoon hyung kicked you out or what?"

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