Arc 6 Chapter 8 - Festival Part 3

Start from the beginning

"I'm surprised you can admit that," I honestly replied. It was a significant change from the arrogance that permeated Kouenji the entire year.

"I surprise myself, demon-boy. I truly never thought I would say such words out loud." I didn't miss the implication behind that. I didn't reply either but stood there as the taller boy threw his head back and laughed. "Hahaha! It's a new experience, I must admit."

"For what it's worth, I have the utmost respect for you. I don't believe there are many people, even in that place, that could match you." Actually, I had no idea about how talented the other generations were, but someone who could match me so well was likely to be competitive enough.

"I do not require your empty platitudes. My heart has not shattered from such a tragic realisation as of today. Nay! Kouenji Rokusuke will continue onwards, as he has always done. And as is expected of me, I shall reach true perfection."

That was right. Part of Kouenji's difficult mentality came from the expectations his parents placed upon him. Of course, it would be hard for him to accept such a realisation. He had my respect for being so honest with himself in this moment.

"You've beaten me once. That's more than anyone else has ever managed to do." I was going to continue, but the two of us had gotten to close to the Class D tent, and some of our classmates had come pouring out. Sudou too ambushed us from behind, having just finished his race.

"Ah, here they are, finally! Us three 're gonna win this tournament togetOOFFF!" Sudou walked up and wrapped his arms around our necks, or tried to at least, before Kouenji spun around and flipped him on his back.

"To think you would dare dirty my body with filth from yours. Now I must cleanse my hands of your stench," Kouenji grumbled, having used just one hand to flip him. Sudou was too busy wheezing on the ground to argue back.

"Kouenji-kun, what happened to all that perfect existence stuff. Haven't you come second in like, almost everything? Ha, serves you right for being so cocky!" Shinohara was one of the girls to have come out of the tent and was taking no time at all to dig into Kouenji. Over our time at school, he had taken great pleasure in showing her his elocution techniques.

"Hm? Are you suggesting that my lack of victory shatters my nature?" He asked back, seemingly baffled by her question.

"Um, yeah? You came second, Ayanokouji-kun beat you, so clearly you aren't perfect. It's just sad if you keep that up," Shinohara stuck back, almost laughing. The grin on Kouenji's face told a different story, almost as if he had expected that response.

"Why, it's rather simple bitch-girl. Ayanokouji-boy isn't human; therefore, I still remain as the perfect existence." And just like that he had reframed his thinking to remain as the peak of human evolution, and snapped back at Shinohara, all without hesitating. "If you'll excuse me, I must rest before claiming victory in the three-legged race. It truly would be unfortunate if I became ill, would it not?"

No one was willing to interrupt Kouenji's good and cooperative mood, and so they let him wander off. Despite everyone watching as he left, no one was able to follow where he disappeared to. If it were possible, I would wholeheartedly believe he teleported away.

"Wa, he's so mean! You wouldn't be that cruel, would you, Ayanokouji-kun?" Shinohara asked me, moving slightly closer. My eyes caught Kikyou's and recognised the resignation in them. She had warned me of this, but I hadn't expected anything so soon.

"He's done a lot more to contribute than you Shinohara," I coldly replied, brushing off the annoyance. She could provide me with nothing. I already had Kikyou and somewhat Karuizawa now, so Shinohara would only serve to cause me problems.

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