The Challenge

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The champions, they rose up to meet the giant Awn, clad in their glittering array.  First one, then another, with bright spears and swords they stepped forward.  One after another Awn met them, spear on shield.  One after another he struck them and there was blood upon the sand until no more the champions came.

The chariot rumbled across the grass, dust kicked high from hooves and wheels.  Awn stood tall in the chariot, gripping tight his great bronze spear and shield as Palidas urged the horses forward.  Chelosian raiders watched them curiously as they rode down from the trees towards the beach.

There lay between their people a curious form of honour, Awn noted.  They may raid and plunder and kill, yet a lone chariot could descend into the heart of the enemy like this untouched.

Palidas reined in the chariot where the dunes began to rise, staring down at the bay, bright under the morning sunlight.  Never had the two men seen such a gathering of ships and men, spread along the length of the beach.  Palidas shook his head slowly in wonder, though there was also fear upon his features.

“There are a few of them,” Awn noted dryly.

Palidas nodded in agreement.  “Yes uncle.”

Awn laughed aloud, with genuine amusement.  “Think of the glory, lad.”

“I am uncle.  I can also count though.”

“There is nothing for you to worry about.  Even the likes of these do not make war upon a chariot driver.  Drive on.”

The chariot lurched forward again, edging through the dunes to the firmer sand below.  A gathering of Chelosians was moving towards them, men in the red crested helmets that marked them as kings and champions.

“Halt here,” Awn ordered Palidas.  The chariot ground to a halt, Awn jumping out.  He drove the haft of his spear into the sand, letting it stand there.  “I’ll need you to translate for me.”

“Yes uncle.”

“Come and meet me, sons of sea goats!” Awn bellowed, sweeping his arm around at them.  “I am Awn the Red in whose steps the Night Wolf walks.  I am Awn the Red, slayer of thousands.  I am Awn the Red who vanquished the Dragon of the Hills of Caernarn.  I am Awn the Red and I defy you, worms, craven honourless snakes.”  Awn began to warm up, pacing along in front of the beach, a broad smile on his face as the insults spilt forth.  Palidas rapidly spoke in Chelosian, translating the intent of the message.

“Get all that, Palidas?” Awn enquired after his lengthy tirade.

“More or less,” Palidas admitted.

“You abbreviated it, didn’t you?”

“Yes, uncle.”

Awn laughed at Palidas’ apologetic expression.  “The insults are an expected part of the challenge,” he told him.  “I hope you left some of them in.”

From amongst the Chelosians one of them stepped forward.  He was a powerful built, stocky man wearing a breastplate of bronze.

“Maedari dog,” he sneered, speaking in Maedari.  “Your threats are as hollow as your boasts.  This day the women of your village will see what a true man looks like.  I am Kiriastas who wrestles giants.”

“You see,” Awn pointed out as Kiriastas continue with his challenge, “He is a man who knows how to conduct a challenge.”

“Yes uncle,” Palidas replied meekly. 

Awn sauntered over to Kiriastas as the man concluded his speech.

“Still alive I see, Kiriastas.”

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