Sparks 4: The Final Chapter

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Recap: Zak and Beth haven't always gotten along. They used to fight like cats and dogs if being honest. She was the one person he would go out of his way to avoid but being a member of the crew sometimes made it damn near impossible. But things slowly but  surely changed on an investigation when Zak and  Beth both let their guards down and Zak finally kissed her. That night they expressed their true feelings and spent the night together just talking.  That was nearly four years now and well let's just see what has happened since then.....

Zak's POV

"Babe!" I yelled up the stairs "Does McKenzie and McKenna need anything besides the usual?"

"No!" yells Beth "Their bags are packed just put them into the Range Rover," as she came downstairs hand in hand with our identical twin daughters; McKenzie and McKenna, three years old.

Yes, this notorious bachelor and fearful of children had not only become a father but just last year Beth and I put rings on it meaning we are husband and wife. She smiled as her growing bump made her flowy dress sway different than usual.  We were thrilled as we just found out two days ago that we were going to be welcoming two boys. That's right another set of twins. Trust me we were just as shocked as you are that we were having another set of twins three months ago and now just two days ago it was confirmed what Beth had long suspected it was twin boys, identical twin boys.

"Daddy?!" said McKenzie or as we affectionately call her Kenzie.

"Yes Kenzie?" I asked.

"We go to the zoo today right?" she asked.

"No we go tomorrow. Today is the amusement park!" I said with a big grin.

"Mama can't ride," said McKenna or as we call her Kenny.

"No. I can not ride but that doesn't mean Mama still can't have fun," said Beth "I can sit in the splash pool with you guys and I can watch you, Kenzie and Daddy go on the Merry Go Round."

Kenny pouts "But Mama?!" she said.

"Sweetness," said Beth brushing the dark curls from her face "Mama has fun because you have fun. Mama don't need to ride any rides to have fun. As long as you, Kenzie and Daddy have fun then Mama is happy. Okay?"

Kenny ponders that for a moment before her bright blue gray eyes lit up and she nodded.

Both girls have my eye color and Beth's hair color. They each have the same dimple Beth has in her left cheek but their dimple is in their right cheeks. They have Beth's sweet crooked little smile. They are also both extremely smart and are already into what Beth and I do to the point they have actually reviewed evidence and heard things neither Beth nor I heard. Beth affectionately calls them the baby Ghost Adventures crew since they're close with Jay and his Ella's daughter, Lola and Aaron and Victoria's daughter, Jade. All four girls are three. Yeah something was definitely in that water at that time. As each of the girls were born only days apart. Jade was born first on April 3rd, McKenzie and McKenna were born April 6th (yep the day after my birthday) and Lola was born April 9th.  So let's just say Uncle Billy had a field day with that.

Now my girls though identical have vastly different personalities. Kenny is the one who wants to include everyone in on the fun. Kenzie is like as long as you're happy then I will have fun, much like Beth is.

"Daddy! Let's go!" said McKenzie.

"Okay. Okay," I said as I grabbed the bags by the door.

Five Months Later...

Beth has been in labor for the past five hours. She laid back with tears in her eyes.

"I don't know if I can do this," she said as the tears fell.

"Of course you can. Just think we are this close," I said holding my pointer finger and thumb a millimeter apart "To meeting the boys."

"I know but I am so tired," she whimpers.

I brush the hair from her face before placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I know you're tired but Babe. You're also a rock star and you're doing great."

She smiled softly "Okay," she said.

"That's my girl," I said.

Three hours later.....

Beth is exhausted but we are both holding a twin. Beth smiled down  at the one in her arms.

"Zak they're perfect," she said as tears fell "We made two of the most perfect baby boys on the planet. But what are we going to name them?"

"I don't know," I said as I sat beside her looking at the twin in my arms "Maybe if we study them for a moment or two."

She laid the baby in her arms on her legs. She tilts her head and smiled. Before turning to me "Zachary Alexander Bagans Junior," she said and I smiled.

"Okay so if he's Zachary Jr. Then who is this handsome little man?" I asked presenting Zachary Jr.'s twin.

She tilts her head and was studying him for the longest time before a smile spread on her face "Henry Lawrence," she said finally.

My eyes well up with tears "I think that's perfect," I said kissing her temple.

Made perfect sense to name one of the twins after my Dad and her beloved Grandpa after all McKenna's middle name is Grace after my Grandma and well Beth's Grandma too (her Mom's Mom was a Grace as well) and McKenzie has the middle name of Marie as we thought it flowed best and that name came from her late Aunt.

So I smiled before kissing her lips as the door to the room opened and McKenna and McKenzie came in.

"Mama! Daddy!" they smiled.

"Hi girls. Would you like to say hi to Zachary Jr and Henry?" I asked as my Mom smiled at me and Beth.

"Those names are perfect," she said as she looks at the boys cradled in Beth's arms.

"Welcome to the world ZJ and Hank," said Beth.

"Yes indeed welcome ZJ and Hank," I said.

And with that our family is complete. Funny how life has a way of throwing you a curve ball but this is one curve ball I will never ever mind catching. Beth is and was exactly what my life needed even if it did take me a while to figure that out. And now with McKenna, McKenzie, Zachary Jr and Henry. My life was complete. I never knew a piece of my puzzle was missing but now I do. As the girls climb onto the bed and I take Hank from Beth's arms as the girls squeeze between us. Mom snaps a picture before exclaiming "Absolutely beautiful."

"You're right Mom. She is," I said as I lean in a kiss Beth's lips.

"Thank you for making every wish I ever wished come true," said Beth.

"No, thank you for making my dreams come true," I said.

The End

Now maybe I might do an imagine of the Bagans Family of Six. Then again maybe not. Who knows. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But anyways I hope you enjoyed the four part series Sparks..... ❤️

Zak Bagans ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora