57) i'd like to save the world (and you could be my sidekick)

Start from the beginning

Her fingers hovered over the call button, unsure of his reaction. He wasn't too fond of her, but if she called in a favor, like the one time she brought Octavia home from a party before she left with some loser when she was abhorrently wasted...he might tolerate it. It's not like she had anyone else to call. Clarke only knew a select few people from work and her roommates. She didn't even have her colleaugues' numbers.

Bellamy it was.

She pressed the phone to her ear, and the repetitious ringing did nothing to soothe Clarke's flaring anxiety over the situation.

"Hello?" A gruff voice answered. Clarke could have almost sighed in relief, and she hadn't even asked for his help yet. But at least he'd picked up.

"Hey," she began nervously. "This is Clarke and-"

He cut her off. "What happened? Is O okay?" he sounded frantic, desperate. His tone had changed faster than Clarke thought was possible.

"No, no, Octavia's okay..."

"Then why are you calling?" Gruff Bellamy was back.

"I kind of need a ride and 'tavia and Raven won't answer their phones?"

She could hear him sigh through the phone, and picture him running his hand over his face exasperatedly. "...Fine. Where are you?"

Clarke furrowed her eyebrows. "What, really? No ultimatum or anything?"

"Do you want me to come get you or not?" he deadpanned.

"Yeah, yeah! Thank you so much Bellam-" She heard a faint click, and squinted at her phone screen. He just hung up on her.


Stupid little princess, Bellamy groaned to himself, fumbling around his apartment to find his car keys. The last thing he expected was to get a call from her tonight, no matter how welcome it was to hear her voice.

He remembered meeting her at the lunch rush in the middle of the street. How could he not? She basically poured her venti iced chai tea latte down his nice dress shirt. But when he looked up to berate the offender, he couldn't help but tone it down quite a bit. She looked so disoriented, but you could see the wonder in her eyes. It was like she was new to the city and her surroundings, and was drinking everything in. It was a wonderful aesthetic, and he thought about it (her) the rest of the day. It was nice to see that kind of unbridled optimism on someone's face. It hadn't been on his in a long time.

It turned out that Clarke was indeed new to the city. When his sister had asked him to help move her roommate in, he had no idea it would be the coffee-spilling blonde from before. Although he played it off rather well and stayed aloof, he was glad he had found her again. Bellamy wished he was an artist just so he could capture the expression and emotion she constantly displayed. It wasn't even about the big things. Forget about the big city, nothing was better than Clarke ranting over why the book was better than the movie. Why she won that hand of cards. When she began to talk about something she really loved. It was riveting, and Bellamy couldn't get enough of it, which is why Octavia started giving him a limit on how much time he could spend at their apartment.

No matter how much he protested, Octavia knew why he was there so much, and was adamant about it not happening.

"Bell," she would sigh. "Clarke is really oblivious to a lot of things, and you deserve better than someone who doesn't appreciate you."

At this point, Bellamy didn't care. He tried to do as Octavia asked, and stay away, stay unattached, but it just wasn't working. He knew Clarke didn't think of him like that, or at least hadn't thought to think about him like that, but there was no way he was giving up. He hadn't wanted anything-anyone-this much, ever. It was a new feeling, and entirely welcome, in his book. He didn't often have anchors, other than Octavia, and he hoped this one would stay.

Bellarke One Shots Book 2Where stories live. Discover now