Part 2 of 5

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"So...whatever in the world...are we doing now?"

Wind groaned, letting his head slump in between his knees, picking at his already chipped purple fingernails that were losing their color and reverting back to peach.

"Stop being emo or I'm putting you back in that suit Frost got you." Moon snorted, twirling her hair around her pointer finger and doodling a picture of the sea on her paper-many of her previous pages were scattered around the room, some of them flying, some of them twirling around her head like a miniature solar system.

Dropping the pen he was trying to get from the table, Wind bypassed pink and turned scarlet at her words. One could practically see smoke rising from his delicately green colored dyed hair. Coincidentally, his face *was* the color of Fire Spirit's hair now, as Moon ironically noted.

Wind's mouth opened and closed itself many times before he choked out:


Tree rolled his eyes, evidently annoyed but amused and probably was about to head into one of his rants had Wind not screamed in horror.

Moonlight giggled at Wind, remembering his traumatic experience with the costume Frost Queen had gotten him last year, when he was in his MCR phase. He *had* actually wore it, but that was because Sea Fairy had managed to get him drunk and Fire helped- or forced, depending on your point of view- him into it. Tree had actually given Wind a picture frame to frame the photo of himself in the suit, and of course Wind Archer didn't want to, but alas, his boyfriend put it up on the wall anyway.

"Of course she does, she basically hoards stuff?" Millennial Tree snarkily replied to the two, adjusting his (fake) glasses.

Moonlight, who was still absentmindedly doodling, and Wind, who was on the floor probably contemplating life-

"I prefer your blabbing over this-crap-" Wind said, rubbing his temples and still scarlet in the face, for a good reason. Any reminder of it was painful. Frost's sense of fashion was terrible.

At least it was purple???

Wind sighed and finally picked up the pen.

Tree smiled. Something that *he* loved to do was to babble on like a two year old. Tree did act like a two year old sometimes, though, if Moon, Wind, and all their weird friends were frank. (but it was reversed when he was with Pitay-*dies*)

"Challenge accepted."

Wind screeched in horror again, covering his ears and hugging his knees. Moon roared with laughter and almost fell off her chair, making the papers scatter wildly around the area.


Tree cleared his throat and grinned like a cat, then jumped into the rant.

Moonlight covered her face, sounding like a dying horse. Which was just her suffering from laughing.

While Millennial Tree was running his mouth, Wind let his mind fly into the past again while praying for it to be over, and Moonlight was just being Moonlight, wheezing her head off.

"Get your hand off my side, Fire Spirit. I told you about this already, keep your hand at the side of the line that was supposed to be imaginary until you keep moving your body over, so stop it, now."

"Blah blah blah blah blah blah. That's what you sound like, you cross between a nerd and a failure!"

"Don't push it, cool boy wannabe."

"Why is this stupid space so important to you?"

"'s my personal space?"

"I- you make NO sense!"

"It's because my intellect is higher than yours, meaning I'm smarter and therefore I know what *personal* space means."

"Move your FRICKING EGO over to your FREAKING side before I FRIGGING throttle you with fire you STUPID-"

"Shut it before I rip you apart with wind then."


"Move. your. hand."

"I won't until you say sorry!"

"For what?"

"Being rude?"

"You were the one who was invading my space."


"How are we going to be friendly if you keep on screaming at me?"

"I-Fair point but still."

"You agree with my statement, then."


"You stop with the drama, and move your damn hand."

"The sweet baby swore, oh my god!!"

"While we're-WHA-"

"You heard me, sWeETiE."

"Stop it!"

"The widdle tomato is eMbaRaSseD!"

"Alright, I'll make a deal with you, Fire, since I'm not going to be ridiculed today. You stop it, and I won't criticize you too much."

"Deal with the devil then, eh?"

"I am not the devil-but it is a deal, yes."


"I don't have time for this stupi-"

"Okay, okay, honey, it's a deal."




"You gonna be wearing the dress or is Fire wearing it?"


Moonlight spat out her drink, which ended up all over Tree's face, while Wind flushed red again at this question.

Tree wiped his face, staring daggers at Moon before turning his chair over to Wind Archer, almost losing his glasses in the progress.

"You heard me, Mister I'm-getting-married, who's wearing the dress?"

Wind was now silently dying, and Moonlight noticed. Although amused, she wanted the planning to go faster, so she cleared her throat.

"I'm guessing Fire is!"

Wind nodded thankfully at her, while Millennial Tree wrote it down in his notebook, which already had ten pages of the wedding, most of it contributed by himself.

"So when are you going to get the ring?"

Wind shrugged, casually painting his nails in the middle of planning his own wedding. Moon decided to butt in again, having nothing to do.

"I'll take you to buy one!"

"But- uhm- I don't know what color-?"

Tree exhaled deeply.

"Y'know, maybe I'll get the three dragons to help me set the wedding up."

These 'three dragons' weren't dragons, of course (this is a human au grrgrrrrrgrrrgrgrrrgr) but three siblings, Pitaya, who Tree had an interest in, Lotus, and Ananas. They were all very good helpers, so much so that they had started a business of building stuff.

Occasionally they would visit, and usually someone would get rugby tackled but that's a story for another 1000 words!!

Moon smirked, and Wind groaned, knowing that look all too well, since it did appear when he first started dating Fire Spirit, when Pitaya accidentally hugged Tree(long story) and when the suit came...

"Then Wind is coming with me. It's gonna be great!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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