chapter 3- cancelled plans

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Iruma- I'm cancelling our plans to hangout.
Ameri- why are you cancelling them iruma.
Iruma- I want to get some rest I'm sorry Ameri I just want to rest today.
Ameri- I just got ready.
Iruma- Ameri I'm sorry I just want to rest I'm tired.
Ameri- iruma why do you keep cancelling plans with me.
Iruma- to be honest i wanted to invite you to hangout with AZ Clara and me.
Ameri- what have you been doing that's making you so tired.
Iruma- I've just gone on walks I also have stayed at some friends house pretty late.
Ameri- iruma I didn't know what to do when you fell asleep.
Iruma- Ameri it's fine I don't know what to do a lot of the time.
Ameri- so iruma when do you plan on hanging out next.
Iruma- when I don't feel super tired.
Ameri- iruma can we talk soon I need to tell you something.
Iruma- after we hangout again.
Ameri- iruma why does it have to be then.
Iruma- because I don't fell like talking to you when I'm so tired.
Ameri- iruma I want to tell you.
Iruma- Ameri it's fine but you can ether tell me over text of tell me the next time we hangout.
Ameri- okay iruma why are you acting like your ignoring me.
Iruma- I'm trying to get some sleep so I'm not ignoring you I'm just tired.
Ameri- okay iruma let's hangout in a few more days.
Iruma- okay Ameri that sounds nice let's do that.
Next iruma texts Asmodeus
Iruma- sorry az can't hangout today
Az- why iruma.
Iruma- I'm just tired.
Az- okay iruma do you need anything.
Iruma- no I'm fine but thanks.
Iruma does not tell Clara, Asmodeus does.
Ameri sits in her room thinking about Iruma. Ameri suddenly noticed she had things to do that she forgot about. Ameri gets to doing them and she knows she wants to go see iruma.

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