Chapter Two

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Mika's Pov:

I couldn't see my eyes but if I could I bet there would be stars in them.

You can't blame me really, I mean my apartment looks so crusty on the outside but there is almost always more than what meets the eyes. Er eye in some people's cases.

I threw my backpack onto my floor in my bedroom, and ran to my living room, which was a beautiful shade of white, well more like a blinding white that made me wince everytime I unintentually looked at them.

But Anyways~ the room was perfect.

I had a small couch that just happened to be....White, the same blinding white color.

I scrunched my brows and couldn't help but think that whatever god saved me also hated me. I mean thanks for granting my wish to be reincarnated to fix everything, but why was everything a blinding white! Did he or she want me to become blind?

Oh Great God, whatever I have done to affend you please forgive me. I am nothing compared to you, you are perfect compared to me!

I am nothing but a mere ant at your feet.

I am-WAIT a SeCoNd!

Did I seriously just degrade myself to some god who is probably not even paying attention to me right now! Oh god no!

Suddenly the earth shook and I raised an eyebrow. Hmmmm.....That seems a little suspicious, should I check out why that happened...Of course not!

I decieded to continue looking around to see what I could add to my new home to see what I could add.

So besides all the blinding white rooms, the kitchen was pretty nice along with the restroom oooh, the dining room wasn't bad either.

My favorite room was probably my bedroom because it had to be the largest room, no joke.

The room was a nice warm blue color, with a large wooden bookshelf and wardrobe on the opposite sode or my bed. Luckily whoever was living in the room before me left a few scrolls, hmmm...that seems a little odd, almost like someone purposely put it in there for me to find.

Maybe it was God playing tricks on me? Yeah, that was probably it.

Umm, anyways my bed looked weird, well cool but still weird. In my past life I had never seen anything like it. My bed was like a bunkbed, but minus the lower bunk. Where the lowerbunk should have been was a desk, which somehow was attached to the bed (A/N: These things actually exist! I wish I had one, they look so cool!!).

I quickly picked up my backpack and took out some of the scrolls I had in my previous life and put them on my desk under my bed, then I took my clothes and put them in the wardrobe.

When I finished I carried the backpack up to my bunk bed(?) and dumped everything else out.

Okay, I had my bag of money, a few notebooks, a pencil case filled with pencils and pens and an eraser, a first aid kit, some ninja tools along with a pouch, and some knee guards along with arm guards.

Luckily when I checked earlier there was food in the cupboards so I didn't have to waste any money on that.

I looked at the clock to see what the time was and saw that it was 2:30 in the afternoon. That was enough time to buy the things I needed and get back home before dark.

Time skip (O_o)

It was beautiful out here, I miss the times where you could here children's laughter and see everyone happy together...Before all the wars happen and that stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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