Daddy went for cigs

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I went downstairs, expecting to see my father sitting at the table sipping his coffee. Mum would usually be humming to herself, as she drunk her cup of morning adult juice. She tells me little kids aren't supposed to drink it. And it smells really weird. Lately when she drinks her juice, she gets really silly. But daddy doesn't like it.
This time, the kitchen was lifeless. To top it off the pouring rain beated against the windows. It made me feel big sad.
"Mum?" I said. I walked into the living room to find her sleeping on the couch. Her juice sat in a small white cup. I decided to clean up her mess.

It felt so much different today. But I shrugged it off.
"Adults being adults." I went into the bathroom and turned on the faucet. Getting out some toothpaste, to brush my fish breath. The kids always made fun of me. But I could see why, I wasn't the most hygienic. I was very lazy, some days I would forget to change my big kid diapers.
"You're just a late bloomer, honey." Mum would say. She told me that it's ok to wet the bed, and that it's nothing to be ashamed of.

I wanted today to be an extra super awesome day.
"I'm gonna smell so good." I said. Mum was always sleeping. She rarely went to the store, so we didn't have any soap left. I learned in class that hot water was enough to kill germs, so I figured that was enough to cleanse myself.
I was running late already, so I didn't scrub myself, instead splashing some water on my important parts.
"The rain will wash the dirt away."
I toss on some smelly clothes. They stunk but I sprayed a bit of Dads cologne so I could smell manly.
The house was pretty dim. Mum tells me that if we turn the lights on, the house will blow up. But I think it was because we failed to pay our bills. The only light we had was the bit of sun. It was usually cloudy and sad in my town.
Because I didn't have access to a full body mirror, I had no idea of what my outfit looked like. I figured it was best to wear all black.

When I stepped out the house, I looked down at my outfit. I realized that my blacks were actually a mix of navy blues, grey, and dark brown. I looked stupid. But I couldn't be late for school.

I walked down the street to see my schoolmates laughing with each other, I didn't have an umbrella, so I figured it'd be best to share one with them.
"Hi! Is it ok if I walk under your umbrella?" They looked at me confused. They stopped walking, looked at each other, and laughed. I was embarrassed so I decided to laugh to.

"Peepee boy should be used to a bit of MOISTURE." I felt my face get hot.
"My mum says it's nothing to be ashamed of! She says I'm normal!" I fight back.
"Yah. Normally PISSY." They cackle. My dad says I should always fight for myself when nobody is there to help. So I give the tallest group member a shove.
It's useless. I was too small. The push me harder in return. I stumble and trip over my own foot, landing in a muddy puddle.

I walk into my counselors office.
"Poor baby. Kids can be just cruel." I was too ashamed to look her in the eyes. "I don't want to upset you...but you smell really bad."
"I'm sorry, ma'am. I didn't have enough time in the morning to cleanse my body. I should be punished." She smiled at me and reached over to her file cabinet. She pulled out a small white bag and handed it to me.
"Sometimes it can be hard at home." I opened the bag to see deodorant, soap, toothpaste, and a toothbrush with a smiley face. "I will be glad to write you a pass so you can take a proper shower in the locker rooms." She gave me another bag. "Here are some fresh clothes."

I walked into my classroom and showed my teacher the pass. She didn't bother to look. The kids stared at me as I walked down the aisle to my seat. I ignored them all, I was happy to see my best friend Joanne. She was really cool. Her life seemed so cool. She told me all these things about how her family eats dinner at the table together, and how she went to the park with her dad recently.
She wrote me a note and handed it to me.
"u lok very cleen :)" It said.
"thanks!!! the kownsaler hellpd." I wrote.

The teacher caught us writing notes.
"Care to share?" She walked up to me and Joanne, snatching up the piece of paper. "Hmm. Let's see." She said out loud. I tried to snatch the paper out of her hands. "Sit boy." She said, smacking my hand. "'You look very clean. Thanks. The counselor helped.' You're in English class and you can't spell squat." She pulled my arm and smelled my pits. The kids laughed.
"Leave my friend alone!" Joanne said.
"Smelly boy!" The class laughed and pointed their fingers. It was just like the movies.


That night I cried in my bed. I heard a hard knock. I turned my head to see it was dad.
"Dad!" He sat down on the bed.
"Hey, champ." He sat down on my bed. We bought it second hand. My last bed was a crib. We couldn't afford buying another bed back then, so we tore off the bars.
"I know it's not much, but try to be thankful." Mum said. It began to mold and the wood would start falling apart. So my parents bought me a bed from our neighbors house. A kid told me he hated me because his uncle died in it.
"The fridge is pretty low on food, so I'm going out to the store. Do you want anything?" I got excited and listed as much food as I could. "That's...a lot. I think I'll just get milk." He got up and gently closed my door.
It was getting late. I decided to call it a night buy putting on my nightclothes. When I went into my drawer, it was empty. I shrugged it off and figured I'd be better off sleeping naked anyway. I read online that it improves airflow. I wanted to be healthy.

Mom was sleeping, so I stayed up reading myself a bed time story till I dozed off."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2022 ⏰

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