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I talked with Marc after the GP. I think we really needed to talk. I just arrived in Queenstown. I'm walking in the street when I hear someone calling me, I look around and I see Leonie and Thomas. I smile and I join them. We hug each other and we sit near a table in a bar. By the way, Justin will move here next week so I will help him for everything. I can't wait to see him again and I'm sure I will feel better to have another friend here, knowing we will be able to talk in French together. I get lost in my mind and I'm surprised to notice I'm not thinking about Marc. I just know Leonie and Thomas are talking about the university.

"By the way, Ruby still talks to you ?" - I ask

"Yeah, she pisses me off so I think I will come in Christchurch. I hope I will be with Leonie." - Thomas replies, smiling

I'm happy for them. At least we all want to forget Ruby. 

"By the way, do you have news from Max ?" - I ask to Thomas

"Yeah ! He wants to come here." - Thomas says

"I have a friend named Justin, he is also a barman and he will also come here !" 

"Wow ! Let's plan something together !" 

"He is French but he speaks English."


I text Justin to tell him what we just said and he can't wait to meet Leonie, Thomas and Max. 

                              *Some months later*

I'm helping Justin to settle here. He bought a house which isn't so far from mine. Max isn't arrived yet. Thomas and Leonie are on their way to join us and to help Justin as well. 

"T'as hate de recommencer ?" - I ask

"J'ai tellement hate ! T'imagines même pas." - Justin says, happily

I smile and I finish to put photos on the wall of Justin's wall. He has a lot of photos with his family and with his friends (including me). I smile when I see a photo of us with other friends in a theme park. I join Justin in the living room, Thomas and Leonie just arrived. We say 'hi' before finishing to settle everything in Justin's house. He arrived last week and we helped him every day until today. Justin is already closed to Thomas and Leonie. I'm happy that they became friends now. 

"Now we have to wait for Max." - Leonie says

"By the way when does he arrive ?" - I ask

"Next week." - Thomas says

"I guess we still have work to do." - Justin says

"Yeah. By the way Justin, do you want to see how Queenstown is ?"

"Yeah of course !"

Justin grabs the key of his house and closes the door before leaving. We show him everything and I show him where his bar will be. He looks so impatient to set everything up and to being his new life. Justin looks at me smiling like a kid, it makes me smile and I hug him. 

"When do you want to start setting everything up ?" - Thomas asks

"Perhaps tomorrow." - Justin says

"We won't be here tomorrow, university stuff. Sorry." - Leonie says

"It's okay. Lélé will be here." - Justin replies winking at me

"Of course I will !" - I adds, "By the way what do you want to do tonight ?"- I ask

"It's the first evening of Justin so he can choose." - Leonie declares

"To be honest, I don't know." - Justin answers 

"We can go to a restaurant. I'll pay everything." - I announce

"Let's go !"

We walk to our houses and we get ready for tonight because we need to take showers. I finish to brush my hair and I join Justin in his house with Leonie. Thomas is with Justin. I open the door and we enter the house closing the door. Someone is under shower, thanks to the water noises upstairs. Leonie sits on the couch, I look at me through the mirror before hearing someone coming. I turn around and I see Justin. He hugs me saying 'hi' and he gives Leonie a kiss on the cheek. 

"Thomas is under shower ?" - Leonie asks

"Yeah, he is." - Justin replies

Leonie smiles, we sit next to her waiting for Thomas. I also can't wait to see Max, I think it's gonna be fun all together. Thomas is finally joining us, Leonie sees him and smiles. She walks to him and kisses him. We leave Justin's house to go to our favorite restaurant, near the lake. We sit at a table on the terrace. We order something to drink, Justin looks at the lake and the mountains. I know how much he loves landscapes and I think he is so happy to be here. My phone vibrates, I look at it and it is a message from Marc. I put my phone back on the table, I stay focused on the conversation of Justin and Thomas. Leonie is next to Thomas and Justin next to me. I look away, thinking about Marc. We order our meals, we take a photo together and we continue talking. We spend the evening laughing together. Then we leave the restaurant, Leonie and Thomas don't stay tonight : they come back to Christchurch. We hug each other saying bye and we wait for them to leave before walking to our houses.

"Alors tes premières impressions ?" - I ask, smiling

"C'est génial ! Je suis trop content." - Justin says, smiling like a kid

I'm so happy for him, we continue walking and I say good night to Justin when we arrive to his house. He hugs me and I walk to my house. I take my clothes off to wear my pajamas. I lay under the comforter and I fall asleep.

                                 *Months later*

I'm with Leonie, Thomas, Max and Justin at the Australian GP. We watch the qualifying, we are in a grandstand. To be honest, I feel a bit sad because I saw Marc, I don't know if we can become close again. I miss him so much.

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