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I'm on tour, I'm in Spain right now. I walk in the streets of Barcelona, I meet some fans and I stay with them for a while. Justin is texting me, he told me he wanted to move in New Zealand but he doesn't know when he should move there so I help him by answering at his questions and advising him. I go shopping with the fans I met, they hesitate between some clothes, I help them as well. I come back to the hotel after having shopped for 2 hours. I sigh laying on my bed. "What a life !" I think. I miss the university atmosphere but music is better. I get up of the bed, I put music on my phone. I get ready for tonight, I have a show to do. I feel nervous but I know it will be okay, I go down stairs and I walk to the hotel restaurant. I order something to eat, I text Leonie to know if everything's okay :

Leonie : Yeah everything's fine. I'm in Italy right now. What about you ?
Me : Where in Spain ?? I'm on tour in Spain and I will go to Italy soon.
Leonie : What ?? Let's see each other when you come ! By the way, I'm in Naples.
Me : Of course ! How is Madrid ?
Leonie : Naples is amazing. I'm sure you will love it !
Me : I can't wait to be there, I also can't wait to see you.
Leonie : Me too. Do you have a show tonight ?
Me : Yeah, I'm feeling nervous to be honest.
Leonie : Good luck Snorlax 😂.
Me : Shut up ! 😂 
Leonie : Hehehe 😂 Anyway, I have to go. Bye Snorlax 😜.
Me : Yeah bye idiot 😜.

I smile all alone and I put my phone on the table. I eat my food, I clean the table and I come back to my room. I brush my teeth, I grab my earphones and my charger, and I walk to the concert hall. I enter my dressing room and I prepare my stuff for tonight. I sit on the couch sighing, my phone is charging. I play my music in my head to remember it. 

The show begins in 2 minutes and the stress is increasing. I wish Joana was here. I see all the fans in the concert hall, I sigh feeling nervous but also happy because I'm gonna have fun. I smile and I come on stage when the lights turn off. My heart is beating faster, I start playing music and I hear the fans screaming and I notice they start dancing. I smile again and I start feeling better during the concert. 

I see there two people I know : Thomas and Leonie, and they hold their hands. Are they dating ? I stop thinking about it and I stay focus on the concert. 

2 hrs later, I'm back to my dressing room. Leonie and Thomas join me and we hug each other. We sit on the couch and they tell me how they started dating and they tell what happens in the university.

"I miss university." - I say

"Come back please." - Leonie says

"I want to but it will be complicated with music."

"Yeah but it's not funny anymore without you, it's so boring now."

"I'll see."

We continue talking about the university and they tell me all the local gossips of the university. It makes us laugh, we live the dressing room and they accompany me to my hotel. They book a room for tonight.

"Wanna go to the restaurant tonight ?" - I ask

"Yeah, it can be nice to be together again." - Thomas says, smiling

"Let's get ready." - Leonie says, nodding

We go to our rooms, Leonie came with me because she needs help for her outfit. I chose mine, then I straighten my hair. Leonie brushes her hair while I'm putting makeup on me. I sigh sitting on my bed, Leonie finishes her makeup and we join Thomas in front of the hotel. He already starts smiling when he sees us, especially Leonie. He hugs me and he grabs Leonie by her waist. We walk to the restaurant, we enter in and the waitress shows us a table for 3 people. We sit on the chairs, we order our drinks. We take a photo together, I put my phone on the table after having sent the photo to Thomas and Leonie. We talk about movies and series, the waitress comes back with our drinks, we thank him. I sigh and I look away starting thinking about Marc. 

We spend a great evening, we come back to the hotel and we go to our rooms. I lay on my bed and I fall asleep easily.

                             *A few months later*

My first tour is ended now. I loved it !!! I'm in my house in Queenstown. I'm in the swimming pool, looking at the sunset. I put music on my speaker but it stops because of someone who calls me. I look at my phone and it's Marc, I smile at I answer.

"Hey Marc !" 

"Hey Lélé !!!!"

"You sound happy."

"Yeah because I hear you."

I smile blushing. 

"I'm happy too. I missed you."

"I missed you too. Where are you ?"

"I'm at my house in Queenstown. What about you ?"

"I'm on holidays(*) with Alex and we want to see you."

(*) vacation

"You can come."

"Thanks. Alex checked for an airplane and there is one soon. Is it okay for you ?"

"Yeah. I can't wait to see you."

"We can't wait too, especially Marc." - Alex says

It makes me smile again. They are so sweet.

"It's night evening here so you will probably arrive in the night."

"You will wait for us?"

"Yeah !"

"I'm gonna pack my bag. See ya later Lélé !"

"See ya guys !"

Marc hangs up, I put my phone on the edge of the swimming pool and the music returns. A few minutes later, I turn the speaker off and I come back in my house. I take a long shower, then I dry myself and I get dressed. I brush my hair and I'm going into the kitchen for a bag of chips and a bottle of water. I put the movie 'Transformers' in the TV and I slump on the couch. 

                           *Some hours later*

I stopped watching the movie, Marc and Alex will arrive soon. I'm so impatient to see them, I already smile thinking about them. I bite my lip and I start playing with my hair. 10 minutes later, I hear someone knocking on my door, I smile again and I open the door to find Alex and Marc playing the fool. I burst into laughter and they also start laughing. I let them enter my house and I hug them tight. 

"Where are we gonna sleep ?" - Marc asks

"There is another room next to mine." - I reply

"Or we can put all the mattresses here and sleep together." - Alex suggests

"It can be fun."

We go to the rooms and we take the mattresses to put them on the floor in the living room. We go back to the room to get the pillows and comforters. We lay on the mattresses and we talk for some minutes. Alex is the first to fall asleep. I look at Marc shyly (I'm next to him), he looks at me back and he plays with my hair. My heart beats faster, I feel so nervous and I blush. Marc smiles when he notices it, he grabs me by the waist and he draws me against him. Marc puts his hand on my cheek and touches it softly. I look at him blushing again. He bites his lips and he presses them against mine. Then, he looks at me smiling like a kid. It makes me smile and I kiss him back. We continue kissing for 2 minutes before falling asleep against each other.

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