Miss Mystic Falls.

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Mystic Falls, December 2010

The following morning


I decided the following morning when I woke up that it was time to tell them the news that I was pregnant so I called a family and explained everything that Bonnie told me, about Kol and Elijah and finally that I was pregnant

of course they were shocked but they said despite there hatred for the originals that they would support me no matter what or who the father was

after we hugged they had left the room to get ready as I noticed the time and walked up stairs to start getting ready I had already had a shower this morning so I just brushed my teeth

as I walking into my room wrapping a robe around me I noticed nothing as I passed the mirror and walked closer looking into it more and it became clear my stomach had become swollen

Placing my hand over with happiness I felt warmth run through my body and I closed my robe walking over to my vanity table

I brushed through my hair and straightened it then pinned some hair around the back on my head with some bobbin pins then added little curls at the bottoms of my hair

satisfied with my hair I applied my make-up adding a natural glow to my face once I was satisfied with my look I slipped on my lace underwear before slipping on my white satin dress

I went over to the door and slipped on my sliver heels before picking up my bag, phone and keys and walking out the door.

an hour later.

I was walking well more like stomping in frustration around the garden of the Lockwood estate picking up empty champagne glasses when I walked over to a busboy angrily

"why am I bussing your tables," I asked putting an empty glass on his tray, "I said no empty glasses" I exclaimed

I shook my head in frustration and marched over to the band, "what is this a funeral, no this is a parent pick up the tempo" I said snapping my fingers at them

I walked away from them at which point Nik walked up to me with a smile on his face, "and how am I doing" he asked

I sighed, "your, your just perfect," I said and he smiled, "so beyond annoying, I can't even look at you," I said

he doesn't say anything he just smiles at me for a few minutes

"How did you know that I was pregnant," I asked

"other than the fact I can hear its heartbeat I heard you tell Kol," he said

I looked down, "this pregnancy was...is definitely unexpected especially so soon after James but I guess fate has a way of telling you things" I said

"you never had the chance to be a mother to your babies but I know that this baby will have the most amazing mother and I will be there when you need me to be" he said

I blushed, "thanks come on let's get this day over with, "I said as we walked over to the stage

"why isn't Elena doing this" Klaus asked

I looked, "Elena doesn't really like public speaking I'm leaving in the morning," I said

he looked a bit disappointed, "where you going" he asked

"back home to London It's time I spent time with my other family I haven't really seen them but I'll be back, I always come back," I said

he looked at me with a smile and hope was shinning in his eyes, "you always do, does Kol know you're leaving" he asked

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