Greif and Truth.

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I stormed out of the room and into the kitchen trying to stop the tears that had been welling in my eyes from falling about Damon's of hand comment about Fred

I leaned against the sink taking a deep breaths but soft tears just kept falling down as I felt someone come up beside me

"I don't have it in me for anymore arguments" I said not looking at them

"that's good because I'm not here for an argument" the voice said

I turned to se Stefan standing next to me and I wiped the tears from my face, "what do you want Stefan" I asked

"why didn't you stop what happened last night if you had a fiancé " he asked with hurt swimming in his eyes

I looked down at my engagement ring and twirled it around, " I lied before when I said he was back in London with his family" I admitted

"what do you mean you lied where is he then if not with his family, are you having problem is that why you came home" he asked confused

I looked at him with tears flowing down my cheeks, "No, he was murdered four months ago , I came home because I wanted to be here for my family and being there just made my heart burst into a million pieces" I said

the looked of understanding came across his face as he pulled me in for a hug, "I'm so sorry Elly nobody should have to go through that sort of pain" he whispered into my hair

"It hurts so bad Stefan every time I think that everything's gonna get better it doesn't" I said through my tears

"It will I promise it will, I know it doesn't seem like it will but you just to have faith in yourself, your so strong Elly and I know you'll get through it" he said

he pulled his head back and I looked into his eyes, I place my lips on his and kissed him but he didn't pull back he let this kiss continue which I didn't think he would but it felt nice

it felt like hours before he pulled back with a smile his face as a gently placed one last kissed on his lip before pulling away

"your a good guy Stefan don't let anyone tell you different" I said before giving him one last smile and leaving the room.

A few weeks later

It had been an odd couple of weeks that for sure, Elena had started acting really secretive especially when Damon had turned up one night looking for Stefan also acting strange

he had started saying that Stefan had finally fessed up about something and Elena finally knew whatever secret they were hiding which made me super confused especially when I had asked Elena later

she had said that it was nothing to worry about and that it was just some stupid argument she was having with Stefan despite the fact I didn't believe her I let it go for the moment

October 31st had finally come around again and the doom and gloom I felt on this day every year came back as it was they day my brother and I had killed Voldemort and his followers killed our Grams

but it was also the day I had went missing from my family home which had changed my life forever as I had went from being Sofia Lillian Gilbert to being Elianna Rosa Gilbert the daughter of Grayson and Miranda Gilbert

I had went out to this bar up in grove hill with Meredith and Eva as they had this Halloween party there and it had been great fun really spooky but when I retuned home both Elena and Jeremy were upset about some

despite my best efforts to get it out of them they didn't budge saying it was nothing and that they were fine especially Elena who I could tell was keeping a lot back but I was to tired to press so once again I let it go and went to bed.

I was so shocked when I woke up the next morning to see that Vicki Donovan had been pronounced missing and even more so when Liz had pulled Elena and Jeremy in for questioning

Jenna had mentioned to me that morning that Elena and Stefan were on the outs which was wired but part of me felt guilty that maybe I was part of that reason

but there was also a part of me that had a feeling that something was going on in this town and knowing that Elena was lying to me didn't sit right but maybe that was just my maternal instinct

I felt like I had been out of the loop with everything that had been happening with my family like this new history teacher had been hanging around and Elena had found out that she was adopted

but not only that but Jenna had been seeing this Alaric guy who was supposedly the husband of Elena's birth mother and he had been helping out with Jeremy grades and they didn't even bother to tell me which hurt

I rushed down the stairs into the kitchen as I was running late for my shift for the hospital and as I did so I noticed Elena, Jeremy, Jenna and Alaric were standing around the kitchen island laughing

it made me feel super jealous as this Alaric guy had been around five minuets and he was automatically told everything to do with this family and I there sister and family wasn't

"So what's so funny" I said walking to the coffee machine

the look of guilt passed their eyes, "oh em nothing, we were just going through some old stuff of your moms" Jenna said

hurt ran through my body as I looked to the floor, "Oh, it's not like I wouldn't have liked to have look at it to, she was my mom as well not feeling the love here guys" I said

they all looked really guilty, "Elly, were so sor..." Elena started

I cut her off, "don't bother it's fine, I better go I'm later" I said and slammed my cup on the counter and stormed out of the house

I cut her off, "don't worry about, I better go" I said and slammed my coffee cup on the counter and stormed out the house


"don't worry about, I better go" she said and slammed her coffee cup on the counter and stormed out the house slamming the door behind her making us all flinch

"I feel like such a dick" Jeremy said

I nodded in agreement I felt so guilty when I saw the look of hurt cross her face, I hadn't seen her a lot in the past few weeks with everything been so crazy

Jenna sighed, "god I feel so guilty I've been neglecting her so much the past few weeks, we have no idea what she went through and I haven't even talked to her about it" she said

Alaric put his hand on hers, "Hey, she's a big girl Jenna I'm sure she'll be fine, besides you've been preoccupied with helping Elena" he said

Jenna snatched her hand away, "Elly is my reasonability to Ric just because I've been helping Elena does not mean I should just neglect her she's still a kid" she snapped and left the room

Ric signed, "that was the wrong thing to say, Jenna's right Elly didn't deserve to be neglected these past few weeks" he said

"mom and dad were always worried when she was away at boarding school especially the past two years" Jeremy said

"well she was over a thousand miles away Jere, any parent would" I said

he nodded and looked down at his watch, "it's getting later we better get to school" he said

"yeah, jump in my car I'll drive you down there" Alaric said putting his coat on

I nodded, "yeah thanks Ric" I said as we left the house hoping that Jenna would be okay.

Endless Beauty.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora