Did anyone deserve to live in such poor circumstances as Zaunites? You couldn't imagine anyone deserving to endure such a cruel fate.

You continue to stare forward at Piltover. The city was a shining beacon of hope, making a declaration that their people would never go hungry nor suffer the way the people of Zaun do.

Maybe one day they'll finally realize how much their neighbors are suffering. They could finally offer a helping hand. Save the lives of the people struggling to survive and remove all of the crime plaguing the streets.

"Watch out!" A gentle voice called from below and you jumped in surprise. Before you had the chance to look down and see who was talking, a metallic object collided with the side of your head.

You yelped in surprise and clutched your head. You rubbed at your temple and hissed in pain. You were trying to avoid bruises so your family wouldn't worry. And yet fate decided you needed one anyway.

You turned your head to the side to see what the object of your demise was. You were face to face with a strange-looking device.

Your eyes widened in curiosity like a cat staring at a shiny object. It wasn't like anything you've ever seen before. It was made entirely of metal. Most of its parts were rusty, but it was still sturdy enough to be held together.

Where did it even come from? Was it some kind of toy? You don't see much of those in the undercity.

The object had a metal balloon, very similar to the balloons that flew in the sky. There was a small gear on the end of the balloon. You wondered if you threw it if it would fly like those strange inventions.

"Excuse me." A gentle voice called from below before your fingers could brush the open gear. It was the same voice that had tried to warn you of the oncoming collision. You lean forward and stare downward.

There stood a boy. A hand raised over his forehead to cover his eyes from the bright sunlight.

He was maybe a few years older than you. His clothes were faded and barely clung to his skinny form. He was leaning against a wooden cane, which was small in stature compared to his height. He had to lean far in his side just to balance on it.

His eyes grew wide and startled when you made eye contact.

"Is this yours?" You ask and raise the toy above your head. He nods and raises a hand up in the air as if preparing to catch the toy in case it slips out of your hands. Or maybe he feared you would drop it to humor yourself.

"Could you give it back? Please?"

You look at the creation once more. Your fingers brushed along the smooth exterior. You would never see something like this up close again.

A thought came to mind. One you've thought of before.

You could steal this if you wanted to.

Have you stolen before? Yes. Mostly it was from fruits in the stand along the streets. However, you were sloppy and got caught on multiple occasions.

If you came home with this, your family would be suspicious. If they discovered that you stole it, your mother would also be upset for taking it from someone, especially someone your own age.

"They don't have much, just like us. Would you like it if someone stole from you?"

No, mother. You mentally reply to the disembodied voice with a dejected sigh.

The stranger just stared up at you. Sensing your hesitation, he opened his mouth to speak again. Before he could say a word, you were already dropping down to the ground floor. The fall left your legs feeling like pinpricks were crawling upwards. The feeling quickly left and you returned to a feeling of normalcy.

Shadowed from Progress (Viktor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now