Elvin sighed in defeat and let sleep take over him.

First destination - A Lovely Cafe

"Seriously? This is where we were headed? The reason you broke into my apartment? The reason we drove so far?" Elvin said immediately after getting out the car and stuffing his hands into his pockets

"Firstly, I didn't break into your apartment. Secondly, This is just one of the places we're going to. Thirdly, I love this cafe." Ari said while completely avoiding looking at Elvin and staring fondly at the cafe.

The cafe that was named "Alfred's Warm Magic"

Elvin looked at Ari, only to see her waving to someone inside.

'Is that the owner?' Elvin thought to himself. His thoughts were interrupted by a sudden shout of Ari's name in a man's voice.

"Grumpie!" Ari shouted back and ran inside

Elvin opened the door to the cafe and was welcomed by the ring of a bell

"Who's the young gentleman?" A smiling man in his 60's that was behind the counter asked Ari

"My boss, Elvin Emaldi. Say hi, grumpie!"

"I'm the owner of this cafe. The name's Alfred. Call me anything you want." Alfred gave Elvin a gentle welcoming smile

"Nice to meet you." Elvin gave Alfred a awkward tight-lipped smile

"Sit down, Eli!" Ari said while sitting down too

The cafe looked old and small, mostly made of wood and glass. The front of the cafe was fully visible to anyone and everyone. The inside of the cafe covered in plants and the air was filled with a sweet smell. A long dark brown counter with a small opening at corner to get in and out. Wooden shelfs behind the counter only leaving a little space where barely two people could stand behind one another. Small cushioned stools in the front of the counter for people to sit.

Elvin's eyes were roaming around the peaceful cafe until he heard the giggles of Ari and Alfred.

"What recipes are you creating these days?" Ari leaned on the counter with a curious smile

"Actually, I was just making my special. Want a taste?" Alfred asked with a hint of excitement hidden in his voice

"I could never say no." Ari chuckled fondly

Immediately after Ari said yes, Alfred turned around, took two steps sideways and faced the oven that was in one of the shelfs. After wearing some gloves, Alfred took out the 'Special' and put the whole tray in front of Ari.

Just as Ari put her hand forward to have a taste of the sweet smelling dark cookies,

Alfred gave them a gentle smile and said "Be careful, It's hot. Both of you should have a taste."

Elvin gave Alfred a small smile and nodded.

"Gramps, I love it! I mean- When have I not loved your dishes?" Ari said while eating with a big grin

Alfred put a hand on Ari's head as a gesture of thank you. Ari smiled and scrunched up her nose.

"How does the boss like it?" Alfred turned to Elvin

"It's really good." Elvin said genuinely

"I'm glad."

"Gramps! How about you tell me atleast one ingredient?" Ari questioned with a sweet smile

"Ok, ok. I'll tell you. Just one, it is really important." Alfred told the both of them. Ari sat there with a knowing smile and Elvin couldn't help but be curious.


Ari and Alfred said together while looking at Elvin with a playful look. They slowly turned their heads to look at each other and laughed historically as if someone had just told the most hilarious joke ever. Elvin just looked at them and couldn't help but smile.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, Gramps." Ari said after finally calming down.

After Ari had left, Alfred slid the tray of his cookies in front of Elvin.

Elvin smiled and took a bite out of one.

"Eat as much as you want." Alfred pulled out a chair and sat down across Elvin "Elvin." Alfred said and Elvin immediately stopped eating and looked at the sweet man "Arya's the most precious child I've ever seen. Her mother used to come here alot. One day, She suddenly came here with a child. Such a happy and sweet child. Ari's still the same As when I first saw her, laughing at everything and being kind is what she does. Never make her feel bad, She deserves to be happy every single second of her life. You do that, and you'll be the happiest man alive."

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