Chapter 1 - Dark Thicc Mist

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Disclaimer: You can skip chapter 1,2 and 3 since these chapters will mostly focus on teaching Leon how to survive his first Trial. But if you want to witness his struggles then  I think you might enjoy them ;D

Chapter 1   (Story starts right at the ending of Resident Evil 2)

Leon S. Kennedy, was middle of exploring the Umbrella Corporation Laboratory together with Ada Wong. Ada tasked me to find the G-Virus, her plan was to use the G-virus as a evidence to bring down the Umbrella Corporation!

All the suddenly while we were exploring, a black fog was creeping up from the distance. Before Leon could act, he was completely surrounded by thick black fog. Consuming both him and Ada into a dark abyss.

- what is happening?

Leon fell completely unconscious.

Realm: Treatment Theatre

As the black mist was slowly fading away, I was finally able to wake up

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As the black mist was slowly fading away, I was finally able to wake up.

"Ugh, my head..." 

I looked around my surrounding while I am getting myself up."What.. was that? It's freezing...".
My police uniform is completely covered in ice frost. 

"Where am I?" I'm standing in the middle of a hall, this place looks like some sort of hospital.

"Am I still in the Umbrella Laboratory?" As confused as I am, I started to properly observe my surrounding. This place looks nothing like the Umbrella Lab...

"Wait! Where is Ada..? It seems like we got separated.... but she can't be far away." I'm thinking to myself.

I soon came to realize that it must've been that black fog that brought me to this place. That was no ordinary fog... I have never seen anything like that before! The fog was so thick, I couldn't breathe when I was inside of it...

I lifted my head up. "Ada, where are you?"  I shouted hoping to get some respond. But nothing.

I shouted one more time "Ada, can you hear me!?" 

All the suddenly I hear some footsteps coming from behind me. I immediately looked behind me but I couldn't see anyone. All I am seeing is a dark endless hallway. I am waiting for the person to show up as the footsteps were getting louder and louder.

Those footsteps sounds nothing like Ada's, she was wearing heels. The footsteps are getting louder as closer it was getting to me. Now it's starting to stress me out a little!

"I ain't taking risk now". I rapidly tries to grab my handgun from my belt, but grabbed thin air.

"What? Where is my weapon!? I suddenely noticed how all of my my equipment are gone! The footsteps are now getting intensly loud so I have no choice but to hide behind a counter next to me.

Dead By Daylight - Wicked Abyss  (Leon .S. Kennedy)Where stories live. Discover now