(05) Collapsed

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A/N: Okay. So, I found out that the second movie, happens a month after the first movie. So, let's just say Snow is in his mid-twenty's. If this is wrong, than please tell me.

3rd POV

Back at the theatre, Ms. Crawly was turning off the lights.

Johnny lifts the window, and got to Buster's office. Johnny grabs the chest storage, but stops when he saw the files on the desk.

Johnny saw his, and 'Natural-born singer' was highlighted.

Johnny lifts his mask, and look at it.

Ms. Crawly enters the office, and screamed when she saw Johnny.

"Ah! Johnny! You gave me a fright there." Ms. Crawly said.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to. I just... Well, I know it's late, but I could really use some extra piano lessons." Johnny said.

Johnny is now playing the piano, and mumbling. "Ah-ha. Mmm. That's it. That's good. You're getting it." Ms. Crawly said.


At the grocery store, Rosita was getting groceries.

"Shoppers are reminded the store will close in 15 minutes. Thank you." The PA announcer said.

Rosita yawns, as she begins dancing. "Bamboléo - Gipsy King" being played from the speakers

Rosita went over, and grab salt and pepper shakers, and shakes them. She threw them into her cart, and continues to dance.

The PA announcer saw her, and turn up the volume of the music.

Rosita spins around, while going through the aisles. She starts to tap dance around, and clapping her hands.

Rosita push her cart, and got on it. While it was sinning, she danced. She pushed it towards a wall, and jumps some oranges, while sliding through the floor.

"The lady in aisle six." The PA announcer said. Rosita looks around. "That was awesome." The PA announcer said, as he applaud her, and whistles.


Buster, Meena and Snow are at the town's water source tower.

"Mr. Moon, are you sure this is legal?" Meena asked. "I don't think it is." Snow said.

"Uh, I don't know. But if you two keep asking questions, we'll never get this done." Buster said, as he placed the pipe.

"Now, hit it!" Buster said. Meena and Snow turns the wheel, and water through it. "Oh!" Buster said. Water begins splashing out. "Ah!" Meena exclaims. "Ugh, I hate getting wet." Snow said.


They are now back at the theatre.

Meena and Snow were pulling a rope, to lift the pipe and Buster in place. "A little higher. There it is! Thank you!" Buster said, as he begins placing it in place.

Meena and Snow begins taking glass out of the windows, and rehearsals rooms.

One of the glass they taken, were from the office where Johnny and Ms. Crawly were.


Outside of Les Calmers, Buster, Meena and Snow puts up flyers against the glass window.

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