"Hey, wanna go do something? I could really use the distraction." He asked.

I had to control my emotions or I was gonna end up tackling him back onto the sand.


He shrugged. "I don't know, walk along the strip and share a funnel cake for old time's sake?"

"Sounds good to me." My heart was beating spasmodically in my chest.

He stood to his feet and extended a hand. I had to remind myself to breath multiple times as our hands locked for the slightest moment.

I held my flip flops in hand as we walked along the beach. He had a T-shirt shrung across his arm while he walked beside me, squinting out at the sun.

"This place never changes." He said.

I snorted. "Been the same since I can remember."

"You know, I do miss this place, but now I can't wait to go back to school. This whole thing was a lot more stressful then I intended it to be." He sighed slowly.

"I can imagine." I said quietly. "But I'm glad you're back." I bit my bottom lip nervously, was that the right thing to say?

He smiled. "Missed me?" He had a playful sparkle in his eyes.

I could feel my cheeks warming as I smiled at the sand. "Just a little."

"Aw come on, just a little?" He shoved me playfully and I laughed.

"Okay, a lot. I missed you a lot." Try way too much.

He grinned. "That's what I like to hear."

My smile was unending as we walked along the sand, the waves coming to play with our toes every now and then.

"I miss this sometimes." He said quietly.

"Miss what?"

"This. Being able to just enjoy the beach without a care in the world. Now it seems like I never can."

"Well maybe it's just me, but I think all those trees and dirt may have something to do with it."

He laughed and nudged me away from him, causing me to stumble a little. I laughed and shoved him back, he lost his footing for a moment.

"Hey!" He exclaimed, a comfortable smile on his face as he tackled me. I squealed and broke away from him, taking off into the waves.

He dodged after me before finally catching up with me, sweeping my legs right from under me and tossing me into the waves. I laughed, coming back up and splashing him with an armful of saltwater.

"Leave it to you to make the moment light." He grinned and pushed his now stringy hair out of his face, both of our breathing ragged.

"Look what you did!" I laughed. "Do you know how long it took Sarah to straighten my hair?!" He laughed as I waded through the water towards him.

He caught me by my arm and brushed the curls from in front of my face, a big smile plastered onto his lips. "I like you're hair curly."

Hopefully he couldn't see the blush on my cheeks. "Really?" I breathed.

He nodded. "Yeah, you look great." His smile softened and I felt my heart skip a beat as it did. I became aware of the fact that he was still holding on to me, the waves pushing us closer towards each other. One came and knocked me right into him. It was like Mother Nature was forcing us together.

He laughed as he caught me by my elbows. "You okay?"

I cleared my throat, feeling slightly awkward. "Yeah." I'd gained my balance back long ago, yet he was still holding on to me, one hand on the small of my back.

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