"How was your shopping trip, love?" He asked, planting a few soft kisses on her neck. She shivered.

"It was good. I dragged Hermione around a lot of stores since she already did her shopping." She laughed at the way she went Christmas present shopping on the day of Christmas eve.

"You know you didn't have to get everyone something?" He looked concerned as he looked up at the girl. He wasn't used to the whole money thing she lived with but he didn't want her to use all of her expenses on him and his family. "How much did you spend?"

"Freddie, that's not the point. It's alright, really." She stopped cutting the potatoes and turned her body so she faced him and was pressed up against the counter. She placed her hands against his chest and he moved his hands further down so they were resting on her ass.

"But still, it was probably a lot." She shook her head and looked down at the hands that were planted on his chest.

It didn't seem like a big deal to her but she came from a very wealthy family and she didn't want to insult Fred but making it seem like it was nothing but she didn't want to make him feel bad. She struggled with her words as she tried to figure out which way to go. Honestly, money was never a problem for her and she never thought other people were lower or less than her because of their wealth status but she didn't want people to think that of her.

"You talked to your mommy about me?" She smirked, deciding to changed the subject as she didn't really want to get into it now. Fred's mouth gaped open and he turned his head towards his mother who laughed off to the side.

"Mum!" He walked over and started scolding her for telling Maddie about the letters. Maddie returned to her potato cutting and thought about their conversation. Was it going to be a conversation brought up a lot?

She hoped money wouldn't be a problem in their relationship because she saw it tear her parents marriage apart.


Soon the table was set and the family was all gathered around the table. Remus, Sirius, and Tonks had joined them as well and the table feel into a loud conversation with laughter and smiles. Maddie felt really happy that she was here, and felt really happy that Freddie's hand was holding her underneath the table as they ate.

She was also really happy that as she talked with everyone, she wasn't thinking about what she was eating or how much she was eating, she was simply enjoying the company and the feeling of Freddie's hand in hers.

"How are you all enjoying school this year?" Remus asked, probably trying to get the scoop on the new defense against the dark arts teacher.

"Well, we have Mad Eye Moody as our teacher." Harry explained.

"He's a real treat, I'll tell ya." Ron added, stuffing some cheesy potatoes in his mouth as he spoke. The kids continued to talk about how much they hated Moody, Maddie telling Remus about their first day back with the curses and how he was making them do everything the ministry didn't want them to do.

"Plus he keeps looking at me and Harry all weird, it's scary." She said and removed her hand from Fred's to grab her knife. He placed his hand on her thigh instead.

Remus and Sirius exchanged a look at Maddie's words before changing the topic onto Harry's tournament.

Fred leaned down near Maddie's ear when the attention shifted off her, "The foods amazing, my love. You did a wonderful job." She blushed and gasped slightly when his hand traveled up her skirt a bit higher.

He moved away from her and looked forward as if nothing was happening. She sent a look his way but scoffed when he just smirked and moved his hand higher. She shifted in her seat when his hand neared her underwear.

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