Tomoko's Obsession

Start from the beginning

"Heh... I knew you would like my compliments~..." a feminine voice said from the player despite the lack of their features that made them one as the player looks down on the bottom right corner of their computer and saw the time. "Morning already? I thought it was only midnight..."

Confirming the voice was a feminine one from the figure, they stood from their seat and hit the lights switch to get a better view of the room and the player.

This figure slowly proved to be a girl, not your average one as she was a tad bit shorter than the rest, purple bags under her jade green eyes as she didn't have any packages to show off like the other girls in high school.

...Yes, she is a high schooler despite looking more like junior high student. Don't worry, most wouldn't think of her as a high schooler at first glance. And frankly, she gets this a lot as the girl lets a small yawn escape from her lips and starts getting ready for the morning.

She takes a shower, brushed her teeth, and then slides into her black spandex pants and sunny school uniform that was a tad past her knees.

After she got dressed, she takes a look at the mirror in her room, just about as big as the girl as she gets a good glance at herself. Even though she would look the same, her hopes weren't as she thought that she saw some noticeable changes on her chest and behind her.

"It's all thanks to the milk I've been drinking..." she would smile creepily before she starts to get a feel on her chest. "They should grow in no time..."

Eventually, she stops posing in the mirror and grabs her things in the room. Her phone was the last thing she picked up as she found had a song on repeat of the boy singing. She sighs softly, If only he was into REAL music...

She doesn't let it bother her though.

If it's Y/n's voice I get to hear, then it's fine...

She pulls her headphones on and heads out, a walk outside with the voice she admires the most creeping into her ears was the best therapy for her. The songs of the boy's voice continues to sing in her ears, wishing that she could meet him in person once more or at the very least hear him sing something more in her taste of music.

Well, can't get everything you want. And besides, she has already met him once and that was enough for her... for now.

Eventually she got to school.

The one place she doesn't like a lot since this place was filled with sluts and lust hungry boys. At least in Tomoko's eyes as she hangs her head down and ignored everything around her until she made it to her shoe locker.

She punches the combination in and out goes the door. Her small pale hands gripped the backside of her shoes and pulled them off, replacing the school issued one and proceeds to push them in her feet.


A small force takes her by surprise and nearly falling to the canvas. Her headphones fell instead, she glares at a bunch of boys who carelessly walked in a group and away from the small girl. "Watch it..." she would snarl to herself before attempting to pull them back onto her ears...


"Hah... Finally got some sleep for once..."

Someone sighs next to her but that wasn't what she was worried about.

...No... It can't be...

A voice so familiar, she turns to her left but sees the opposite of what she wanted.

Yet at the same time, was it really?

At first glance, she was saddened to find out that it wasn't her idol that appeared next to her. But something felt off with that h/c hair and the defining s/c jaw she managed to peek.

She squealed quietly, turning her head back at her shoe locker with a queasy smile on her face.

He looked so dreamy~... Oh my god, a hot guy right next to me... It's like one of those rpg games where he's in-

Then she realized her feelings as shakes her head and punches herself.

No! My heart belongs to him! The one that sung to me... That winked at me... The one who... who held my hand...



That same voice, it was getting to her as the hot guy next to him spoke up all of a sudden.

"Are you alright? Did you do something harsh to yourself?"


He gets no response still, maybe being so direct with the young girl's sudden outburst wasn't a way to approach her.

"...I like your hair... Looks... soft..."

He tries a different appeal which... somehow succeeded to grab her attention. Yet it didn't feel like he accomplish anything as the girl would slowly turn her head back at the boy with a creepy smile on her face.

It nearly frightened Y/n but he kept the same energy as before. "...I-Is something wrong? You have bags under your eyes..."

"...Eh he he he~... Thanks~..." she would stroke her long black hair lightly, figuring out that A, she was saying thanks to his compliment and B, she didn't have any bruises or anything which made Y/n feel relieved.

"Yeah..." the two would stare at each other for quite a while until Y/n was the one to break the staring contest by slipping his shoes into his feet and heads off.

Not before he waved a bit to Tomoko. "See ya later..." he said with enthusiasm before disappearing from around the corner and to his designated classroom upstairs.

The brunette would watch him until he was out of her sights, her gaze would trace back at the lockers and find the same one that the h/c had used before and read his name aloud. "...Y-Y/n... L/n..."

She turns back where the boy went off to and smiles more.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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Obsessed Tomoko Kuroki x Idol Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now