He felt said Alpha wrap an arm around him and rest his hand over his, "Damm straight."

"Kaminari-kun, Kirishima-kun, what are you gonna name her?" Izuku asks curiously.

Denki looks at the other Omega with a soft smile. He looks back over to his lovestruck mate and strokes the girls black hair gently.

"I've been thinking about it for a while..." He starts lowly, "But I like the name Kohana.."

Kirishima grins, "Kohana Kirishima. I love it, Denki."

"Little flower. That's what it means, right?" Deku asks.

The blonde beams, "Yep!"

The little girl started to whine in her father's arms, so Kaminari took her again.

Kaminari held Kohana close to his chest, so she could hear his heartbeat, "Hush now, little one."

Kohana made a few more whines, but began to coo after hearings Kaminaris soft heartbeat.

She pawed at her mothers chest, and Sandra laughs.

"Seems like Kohana is hungry."

"Right, uhh, how do I do this?"

Sandra took Kohana, rocking her gently, "Take your shirt off."

Kaminari did so, and he was handed his daughter back. His chest was swollen with milk for the baby, and the milk had often leaked out nearing the end of his pregnancy.

Sandra began to quietly instruct the tired Kaminari on how to breastfeed. He held Kohanas head close to his chest, guiding her to a nipple, which she latched onto and began suckling.

Kaminari fidgeted in suprise as he felt her mouth sucking milk out.

He grunts a few time, before Sandra helped adjust Kohana to where it was comfortable.

"You're already doing amazing, Denki.." She quietly praised.

Denki smiles, "Arigatou."

The little girl soon drank her fill and Sandra showed everyone how to burp her.

Kaminari found that time to put his shirt back on, and then the fatigue hit him.

His eyes droop and he yawns. He leans towards Eijirou, who strokes his hair.

He smiles, "You must be tired, huh hon?"

Denki leans into the touch more, "Mm.."

"You should rest, Denki." Sandra suggests, "Giving birth is no walk in the park."

"Mm.." The blonde lays in the bed, and Kirishima pulls the dirtied towels from under him, pulling the blanket over his body, kissing his forehead.

He was soon out like a light, and Kirishima was holding Kohana.

Deku fidgeted a bit, "Uhm.. Kirishima-kun? May I please hold her?"

Kirishima grins, "Of course!"

Kirishima walks over to Deku, who took her, carefully supporting her hand and neck.

Deku instantly fell in over with the small baby in his arms. A small happy blush formed on his cheek as he stroked the child's tiny ear.

"Hello, Kohana-chan... I'm so glad to see you finally in the real world..."

Katsuki stares at his mate with the baby in his arms, a tiny voice in the back of his head telling him that he liked it.

Just wait for your own baby, you'll love it even more...

Katsuki kisses Izukus head, nuzzling him, a blush spreading over his face.

"K-Kacchan..?" He questions, side-glancing his Alpha.

"I can't wait for our little baby to be born, Deku.. you look good with one in your arms..."

Deku blushes, "Heh heh, really?"

"Mhmm..." Katuski kisses him again, "Can't wait..."

Pretty soon, Kohana whines and fusses, alerting Kirishima, who takes her and begins to rock her, whispering quietly into her ear, lulling her to sleep.

"Daddy's got you, baby girl..." He whispers, the baby cooing.

When she fell asleep, Kirishima looked up to Bakugo.

"Hey, man, can you please go get the bassinet from the baby room and bring it in here?"

"Yeah, whatever, shitty-hair."

As he went to do so, Kirishima studied every inch of Kohanas face.

She had black hair, with a tiny streak of blonde on one side. She had a cute button nose, and her cheeks looked soft. Her eye brows and eyes were relaxed, and soft snores escaped her when she exhaled.

Kirishima had truly fell in love with his daughter.

When Bakugo returned, Kohana was placed carefully in it, making sure not to unwrap her.

Deku smiles as Kirishima leans against Denkis bed, "We'll leave for your privacy." He stands up, gripping Katuskis hand.

Kirishima let's out a small chuckle, "Thanks Midobro."



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