You just got here!

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"Captain Hook is a dangerous pirate, he's been out to get me for a while now. His right hand is a hook, he's merciless. Keep an eye out for him or he'll do god knows what" Peter warns me. I nod,

"Time to go show y/n around!" The twins say as they start to pull me towards them.

"I'm gonna take y/n out flying, you stay here alright?" Peter orders the lost boy and they agree begrudgingly.

"Shall we?" Peter extends his hand towards me and I take it.

"Let's go!" We head out a door and go up a few steps. We make it out and immediately we fly. We fly through a rain bow, Peter took my hand and ran it through the rainbow.

We flew through pixie hollow, I got to see some fairies. I can't believe all the stories about this place are true! We flew over crocodile creek and saw lots of different crocodiles, scarier then the ones back home.

"What's that?" I point to a camp,

"That's the Indian camp, my friend tiger lily is there. We can go visit them soon." Peter replies, we start to fly to the direction of the mermaid lagoon.

As we got closer he lowered me to a rock and flew towards a group of mermaids.

"Peter!! We missed you!" Screamed the mermaids and they all swam to him. They started to ask hundreds of questions and fawn over him.


"Captain look it's Peter!!" Mr. Smee calls out. Captain Hook looks up to where smee is pointing and chuckles.

"I see he's brought another lady friend" he smirks. There's a long pause before he talks again.

"I've got an idea boys..." hook says with an evil grin.

*back to y/n*

After a few minutes I start to get impatient.

"Peter! Sorry to interrupt but hi I'm y/n! Who are you guys?" I call out, the mermaids turn in disgust.

"Whose that Peter? Another girl?" One questions and swims towards me. The rest follow and they start splashing me. What the hell is their problem?

"Peter! Help me!" I yell but it's no use, Peter just laughs. Screw him. I go to kick one of the mermaids but Peter quickly flies over and grabs me.

"Woah y/n they were just joking" Peter laughs.

"They were trying to drown me!" I huff.

"Now let me go" I try to get out of Peters arms but he holds tighter.

"The water took the pixie dust off of you, I'm gonna have to take you back. It's getting dark anyways" Peter waves goodbye to the mermaids and we start to fly off.

I cross my arms and look away from him.

"Are you mad at me y/n?" He asks me, I stay quiet and don't respond.

"I'm sorry, okay? I won't let it happen again" Peter continues but I still ignore him. Peter pretends to drop me which scares the life out of me.

"Jesus Peter! Are you crazy?!" I scream at him holding on for dear life.

"Calm down y/n, it was just a joke" Peter tries to assure me, I just sigh and wait until we get back. We get back to hangman's tree (peters tree house) and I talk to Peter.

"Listen Peter this has been amazing but, I'm very tired and I wanna go home before my parents realize I'm gone" I tell Peter.

"You wanna leave us so soon? You just got here!"
Peter pleads.

"I can come back can't I? I'll come back tomorrow at night but it's been hours and I don't wanna worry my parents" I continue.

"Y/n once you leave never land, you can't come back. Besides if you stay, you'll be young forever! You won't ever have to grow up!" He says excitedly.

"Never grow up? So I'd stay this age?" I ask Peter.

"Yes! We can play games all day and you'll never be sad!" He continues.

"But what about my parents? I don't wanna leave them. I'm sorry Peter but I can't stay, please take me home" this was a crazy idea, I don't know why I even agreed to come here. This all still feels bizarre to me.

"Please y/n just one more day! Think about it, okay?" Peter asks and I finally give in.

"Okay fine! One more day, and I'll think about staying here. But I need to breath" and with that I get up and head outside.

"Y/n wait! Be careful!" Peter yells but I just slam the door behind me.

I walk through to forest for what seems like hours just trying to wrap my head around what's going on. I just wanna go home, why did I do this? I don't even know this Peter Pan dude.

I see a shore and look up trying to find the star that brought me here in the first place. I spot it and look at how far up it is. Yea without Peter there's no way I can get outta here, dammit.

Just then I hear a noise, I look around trying to see where it came from. Then I see a boy around my age pop out. He's wearing a plain white shirt and some brown pants and shoes. He's got brown eyes and hair that's tied into a small ponytail.

"Who are you?" I ask him, my voice trembling a bit.

"Hi there, I'm James!" He says, giving me his left hand to shake.

"I'm y/n" I responded, shaking his hand. Left hand? Weird.

"Sorry I didn't mean to spook you I just saw you here by yourself so I wanted to say hi" James smiles.

"Thank you?" I say kinda confused.

"So You seem to be in a bad mood. What's up?" James sits down on a tree trunk patting to one next to him.

"It's complicated" I say sitting next to him. This feels weird.

"Cmon you can tell me, what's going on?" He persists.

"We'll there's this guy he brought me here to never land and now I wanna go home but he doesn't wanna take me home and I don't know what to do" I say in one breath. James' eyes widen and he lets out a chuckle.

"This 'guy', is he Peter Pan? Well I know he is" he tells me.

"How do you know him?" I ask him wondering how he was able to guess so easily.

"Let's just say we have history" he says.

Captain Hook x reader Where stories live. Discover now