What The People Think

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Camilo and Dolores tried comforting me. It was calming me down but they can't comfort me forever. Then again I thought about Felix.

I bit my tongue and repeated Clear Skies Clear Skies a few times in my head. "I'm sure she didn't mean what she said." Dolores said soothingly. "She can say hurtful things....But that doesn't make it true." Camilo said spacing off like he was thinking about something under the category of what he had
just said.

"Thank you two very much for comforting me I don't deserve kids like you!" I said with glee.

"Well I don't deserve such an amazing mom!" Camilo said cheerfully. I gave him a smile. I stood up and Camilo and Dolores did the same. "Remember mami, Come to me or Camilo if your ever frustrated so we can be there for you." Dolores told me. "Yes please do! I don't want you to be sad or mad." Camilo Agreed.


I stared into the empty kitchen a bit afraid to go in. Witch is very weird for me.

I guess what happened this afternoon still shocks me. I should be worried about my sister and my sister only not petty stuff like this!

And with thinking that my mind traced back to Pepa. I'm not sure if I was the only one who saw that lightning bolt almost hit her while she was thundering. It doesn't matter it is highly dangerous for her to get that emotional. Because if she does she might hurt someone or...herself!

And I don't want that to happen to my sister- I noticed I was pacing back and fourth. I glanced back inside the kitchen. I can't let anybody get hurt. Today a lot of things happened. Does nobody see any of this? How much is wrong with our family?

I took a step into the kitchen and called "Casita!" And as I said that a couple forks flew out of a cupboard...What was wrong with our "miracle"

Ive never been this curious about something before.

         There HAS to be more to this...


I decided I would go outside to get fresh air. Mainly because Abuela was likely to not be outside. And to talk to the people.

I took a stroll around the town. While I was walking I could see rainy puddles everywhere. "Look look!"Cecelia say. "What?"another kid said. "It's Pepa!" Cecelia said jumping up and down. "The one who's flooding our town?" The other kid replied. "She isn't flooding it! There just little sprinkles of rain." Cecelia said backing me up. "Literally everybody hates Pepa in this town. Oh and did you SEE what happened this afternoon?" The other kid argued.

I was beginning to sprinkle so I continued on my stroll. "See? She has a cloud! It's so annoying." I heard before I left.

Clearly I was upset about what that little girl said. So I wanted to go talk with Camilo or Dolores. But that's when Abuela came in. "Pepa you have a cloud..." Abuela said. "Yes..I know I know!" I replied "but honestly I don't care. Do you know we're Camilo and Dolores are?" I asked. "Dolores is in the
Dining room helping with dinner." Abuela replied calmly. "I have no idea we're Camilo is. I hadn't seen him since dinner." Abuela finished.

I entered the dinner room we're Dolores was setting the table. "Dolores!" I exclaimed. Cloud over my head. "Mami are you okay?" Dolores said and then shape shifted into Camilo. "Wha-Camilo ?" I said confused. "I would snitch on Dolores but you already have a cloud." Camilo said. "We're is she?" I asked. "Out with Mariano!" Camilo answered. "You heard me Dolores I snitched on you!" Then he turned back into Dolores.

I took a deep breath and thought about Dolores. She is in so much trouble. But I still wasn't that mad. I instantly forgot about what the kid said about me.

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