Part 6. Yakuza Deals

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"Ok guys. Things are escalating. Apparently Takashi might have found out we have been stealing money from him. His uncle as you may or may not know is Yakuza. They take stuff like this very seriously. If his uncle finds out the dates of transactions aren't lining up hes going to take it on Takashi and he might come and try to kill us." I explain as honest as possible

Everyone looks at me with shock.

"I'm so sorry D." Neela crys

"Don't worry about it. Its not your fault." I say

Han comes up behind me and places his hand on my shoulder.

"So what are we gonna do." Sean asks

"You guys don't have anything you really can do. Its a race against the clock and a waiting game at the same time. Me and Han need to do some planning. We have to think and plan fast. Its a matter of time before Takashi shows up." I say

"Its best for you guys to sit and wait. Let me and Odessa plan what to do." Han adds

Everyone nods and understands the situation. Me and Han go into his office together.

"Ok Han we have very little time to come up with a big idea." I say

"The worst part is. We don't know what hes gonna do." He says

"Exactly. I think we should wait for him to come here. He knows but he also needs to think on what hes gonna do and when. We need to talk to him once he gets here. We need to have our guns in our waist band just in case." I say

"I agree with you. If we need to drive away Ill take the Mazda you take Mona." He says

We silently plan with as much time as we have. We grab stacks of money and put them in a two separate bags. We walk out of the office and walk to our cars and open the trunks. We both have a few grand in our bags to put in our trunks. As I shut the trunk I see everyone looking at us with sadness in there eyes. I smile weakly to them and walk over to where they are and stand there.

"Me and Han are going to wait until Takashi gets here." I say

"What? That's crazy you guys should be on a plane to a private island." Twinkie says

"We don't know what hes going to do. That's the problem. Me and Odessa both have guns in our waist bands, we just put loads of money in our trunks in case we need to drive off. Its going to be ok." Han says

We wait for about an hour in anticipation until I feel my heart pick up again. Hes coming. I can feel it. I look over at Han and he looks to me. He nods. He knows what I feel. He knows Takashi is coming.

"Hes on his way." I speak up

"What. How do you know?" Sean asks

"I can feel it. He knows and hes mad. Hes going to be here probably within 20 minutes." I say

"I can feel it too." Han says

The tension in the room is high. No one really knows what's going to happen. We all stand there and say some words to each other just in case. Me and Han hug the tightest. He kisses my forehead and we hug for dear life. This might be the last time.

"Odessa. I'm so sorry baby. This wasn't supposed to happen." Han says sadly

"I know. Its ok. I love you a lot we will be alright." I say

He weakly nods at me and we all stand there waiting. I sit down drinking a water bottle as everyone stands around and lightly talks about things. I hear an engine. I know whos engine it is. My head shoots up and I look over to Han. Hes already looking at me. Everyone's looking at each other. We all know its time. Takashi and his gang speed into the garage and he slams the door open and walks over to us. Me and Han walk over to him.

"Ta. Welcome brother." Han says

Takashi has daggers in his eyes. He throws a hard punch across Hans face.

"I vouched for you! I put my reputation on the line for you! We were partners! Do you think you could keep your side deals from me?" Takashi yells

Han shoves him off

"Come on man. We aint in the boy scouts. This is what we do!" Han exclaims

"Takashi!" Neela yells

Everyone walks over and gets close while still keeping safe distance. Takashi glares bullets at them that even slightly scare me. He pulls out a gun and points it at Hans head. I try to step in but one of Takashis members pushes me away. I slam his head into his car and walk back.

"What about now Han. Is this what we do." Takashi says sarcastically

My heart is going a million miles an hour and my breath is faster then I can handle. The blank look on Hans face is what scares me most.

"man you need me. You would still be shaking down teahouses for chump change if it wasn't for me." Han says staying chill

"And what about you Odessa. You were in on it to right?" Takashi says pointing the gun at me now

I look at him blank faced

"She didn't have anything to do with this Takashi. She didn't even know I was doing this until today. Leave her out." Han says

"Takashi please stop!" Neela yells

"SHUT IT." Takashi yells in Japanese

"You know your punishment Han." Takashi says

My heart sinks and the color leaves my face. Hes gonna kill him.

"Wait!" I yell

Takashi looks over at me. I have his attention.

"Don't shoot him. I have a preposition for you." I say

"Go ahead." He says keeping his gun on Han.

"I race you. If I loose you can kill me right then and there. If I win. You end all business with me and Han and let us go free of everything." I say

He puts his gun down and looks back at me.

"I like that idea. But I don't race you. I race him" Takashi says pointing over to Sean

His eyes widen and he stands there still.

"Ok. Deal." I say

"Then lets race. You have 2 days. At the mountain." Takashi says

He and his goons leave the garage and speed off. I stand there. Looking at where Takashi was standing. Everyone's eyes are on me. I snap out of my state and look at Sean.

"Odessa. You just put your life up for us." Neela says

"I know what I did." I say blank faced

"Odessa. I cant even find the words. You just saved me from getting shot." Han says walking over to me

"Save your pitty. Sean tomorrow morning at 6 am, we're going down to the docs. You can drift, but you need more practice if you're racing for me. We need to get a car fixed for you." I say

"Lets do it." Sean says

"Ill get cameras installed on the mountain so we can watch so its fair. Ill go down tomorrow." Twinkie says

"Han can you push out a car in time that will be good." I ask

He nods.

"Good. Neela you aren't going back to your apartment. Its to dangerous. We have bunks here for you." I say

"Thank you d. I cant believe you did that for us." She says

Its late at night and I don't go home and I'm not planning on sleeping anywhere else but Hans bedroom here. I change into one of his shirts and we try and get sleep. I lay my head on his chest and he has his arms around me. I wake up at 5 and we go out to the docs with Sean and Han. We practice almost all day until he gets everything perfect. Twinkie gets cameras installed so we can watch the race while it happens. I cant even concentrate as hard as I can. Its hard to process I might be dead in 24 hours.

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