"Bye Angel."

"Bye Theo."

That caused me to pause before I shook my head and walked off making sure her door was locked on my way out.

I always make sure it's locked in case she forgets to get up and do it herself. She watches too many true crime shows and gets freaked out realizing she didn't lock her door thinking she's going to be murdered in her sleep for a fair reason I guess.

So I always lock it.

I can't have anyone murdering my girl.

She would also haunt me if that happened.


"Did you forget something?"

I shook my head shooting the ball, "No."

Jaiden thought for a second, "Say anything?"

"Not that I can think of."

"Maybe someone else did something to her," he shrugged.


"She could've gotten in an argument with her friend or someone else."

I nodded thinking about that possibility. Usually when she gets upset with someone that isn't me she comes and complains about them to me, so the chances of that are slim. Plus, it's feeling pretty personal now.

She replied 'k' to my text, 'k'. Who does that? The only people you text 'k' in response to everything are people you don't like. I would know.

She's upset. I don't know why.

I'll figure it out.

"Yeah, maybe."

I continued with practice my head full of thoughts, mostly about her. I think I'm fairly good at showing my emotions. Especially when it comes to Camilla. I'm also alright at saying them out loud. She's good at it too, except for when she's upset. I don't think she likes making people angry so she doesn't say what's bothering her which makes it more difficult to figure out how to make her feel better in the heat of the moment.

As you know I got desperate enough to ask Jaiden for advice. He wasn't any actual help.

I think I'll make her dinner tomorrow. I know I'm not the best cook out of the two of us. I've been practicing though. I'm improving. It's taking time but the improvement is clearly there.

Sometimes I feel like I try too hard to impress people.

It's not a bad thing to want to be liked. I think your reason to want to be liked can be a bad thing. Not everyone has good intentions.

Like Kaz.

I was helping him and Camilla make lunch, and Camilla made a joke about how I'm allergic to tomatoes. What did he decide to do? He secretly put tomatoes in my sandwich then acted confused when I called him out. It was an attempted assassination on me.

I'm still shaken up.

Taking a drink from my water bottle I pulled out my phone.

Me: Want to have dinner together tomorrow?

Angel:)): Sure

Me: No Kaz since I don't want someone trying to murder me

Angel:)): K


"Have you ever thought maybe this is the reason you don't get any?"

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