CHAPTER 2 - Logic

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Thousands of years ago, when Floria was covered in just dirt and mountains, nothing seemed to be alive. Then something fell from the Heavens. Something large..something..magical. And the second it touched the surface of this barren world, everything went green. Life flourished. Grass began to grow, flowers began to blood. Trees that seemed to go on forever stretched their branches. But some of these plants seemed more alive than the others. More fluid, more animated. They moved. They didn't talk but they moved.

As the years went on, more and more of these creatures began to show up. As they grew up, they began to discover things. How to build. How to talk. How to collect. How to do things more efficiently. How to survive. They later developed a language. It wasn't English though, and as time went on they began to call it; "Florish."

At least this is what the carvings and paintings on mountain walls or tree bark say. No one knows for sure how this happened. Even Bristlecone doesn't know.

This land was a peaceful land. No wars, no fights, no violence whatsoever. The Florians lived in peace. It was a simple life, no one really ever got hurt. Everyone was friendly to each other. But then something changed. Everyone else was nice to each other but their ruler, Bristlecone..he started to change. He started to take things from his people. Wealth, food, even shelter. He discovered fire and started to use it to destroy homes. Someone didn't agree with him, he'd kill them. They'd reincarnate anyways.

Yes you heard that right. Reincarnation. When a Florian dies, they reincarnate. They'll look similar to how they did in their past life, however they'll have zero memory of their past life.

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