You travelled outside of Mondstadt for a bit before finally reaching the Fatui hideout Jean located for you. Fastening your silver masks, you headed inside, dodging a few traps and such and running into a timid Fatui guard.

"No, NO! Don't eat me! Oh, y-you're human? The entire floor's defences h-have been broken, I thought it was the Abyss Order attacking," he shakily held his sword out in front of him.

"We have come for your life," you stated emotionlessly.

The guard yelped back and Aether elbowed you before correcting, "We have come for the Holy Lyre der Himmel."

"H-how did you know the Lyre's here?! The place it's being kept is locked up tight, if you're after the key keep going into the ruins, just d-don't come after me!" he exclaimed.

"This guy looks like he's about to wet himself," you held in a laugh.

"Y-you just worry about yourselves! One of the Harbingers is already in Mondstadt. Signora. When she gets her hands on you she's going to string you up and torture you. And when that time comes, don't you dare say a word about me!"

You three just walked past him as he cowered away.

"Signora? What a strange name," you said in thought.

"No. 8 of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers. Goes by the name Signora. The fact the Fatui can run amok across the seven nations is entirely because of the Eleven. We need to act quickly before she gets wind of what's going on," Diluc voiced that last sentence more seriously.

Further into the ruins you searched through multiple rooms with traps however found no keys. You also met another timid guard who just did nothing really.

Soon after talking to another more aggressive guard, a cicin mage appeared. After defeating it you obtained the key and used it to open an enormous door.

You used a platform to reach a higher floor and saw the Holy Lyre. However before you could retrieve the lyre, a cage fell around it and you heard a scowling voice.

"Where did you rats scurry out from... Signora is not going to tolerate this kind of interference in our affairs," a Fatui agent appeared in front of you, "So I'll be the one to take care of you and save her the trouble."

You, Aether, and Diluc then battled him but he disappeared before you could finish the job. The cage creakily lifted.

"Finally, the Lyre is back in safe hands," you held its wooden frame, "But where did that guy go?"

The same seething voice echoed through the barren room, "Signora is going to end you. The songs bards will sing of your demise will be so terrifying, the people of Mondstadt will never sleep again for the nightmares they give them."

"Big talk for a guy who still ran off in the end, chicken," you rolled your eyes.

It was dawn when you all left the ruins and headed back to Mondstadt. You walked through the sleepy city, the only sound being the cold tapping of your feet on pavement, and admired Mondstadt's homely buildings, the roofs of which were stained in vermillion, basking in the first rays of sunlight of the day. Fluffy dandelion seeds illuminated in a fiery orange drifted through the hushed air as wisps of clouds overhead reflected a warm pink glow down onto you.

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