Chapter 18 - Proposals

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// Just a life update for everyone reading: I have started to revise for my theory driving test, so expect delays in updating this book and The Fallen Goddess (sadly, I will update tomorrow instead). Also will be having a meeting with a social worker about me volunteering and hopefully get a job from that. Anyway, have a lovely rest of your day and see you in Chapter 19 of The Queen Of Blood. <3

Ada's POV

It has been a couple of weeks since I was turned by my Sienna. I was thinking about proposing to her, to thank her for taking care of me and I wanted to be completely official. But then I remembered something, I haven't marked her.

I didn't have a engagement ring either, since I was mainly stuck indoors because Sienna was afraid that I would get overwhelmed by the new smells. Things I haven't smelt before, for example, humans. I didn't want to sink my fangs into a human. I didn't want them to feel pain. Perhaps Sienna could teach me, or my vampire side could do it on her own without any help. I let out a deep sigh, staring at the window and was watching the little birdies on the trees until they flew away. 

I was wearing a long red dress, with a gold zip at the back. I then suddenly felt my mate near me, so I turned around to see her kneeling, before she got onto one knee and just softly smiled at me. "I am not really perfect with speeches, but I wanted to do this to someone for a long time. And that someone is you, babe." Sienna began, watching her hand dive into her dressing gown pocket and brought out a red velvet box. I decided to kneel down with her, so we were at the same level. I watched her open the box, revealing a beautiful diamond ring. 

"Will you marry me, Ada?"

"Will you marry me, Sienna?" 

Whoa, we really just did that...

"You wanted to propose as well?" Sienna asked me, before I nodded and leaned forward, kissing her. "Yep to that, and yes to your cute proposal." I replied, hearing her chuckle at me. Then, she placed the ring on my finger and picked me up. 

"Where are you taking me?" I asked her, "To get married, babe. I got a private priest here and don't worry, she's a vampire and a old friend of mine." she told me.

"But, I haven't even done my hair..." I began.

"You look perfect, babe." she reassured me. 

"And why are you wearing a dressing gown?" I decided to ask.

"You have to wait and see."

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