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Valentine's day was approaching fast. Aside from how corny the whole thing was to you, this gives you the opportunity to do something for Shredder. Something with purpose, not just because you have the biggest crush on him. You decided you were going to leave him a pick up line on a little heart card for every day leading up to valentine's day. It was stupid and cheesy but you figured you'd give it a shot anyway. You cut out the cards and started writing one for every day until the 14th.

"Kissing is the language of love. Would you mind starting a conversation with me?"

"I'm not into watching sunsets, but I'd love to see you go down."

"I love my bed, but I'd rather be in yours."

"Your body is 70 percent water... and I'm thirsty."

You felt like you wrote a million of these before you had enough to stick near Shredder while he was working. On the day of valentine's day you were going to say your last pick up line in person. As nerve racking as it is, you've been wanting to confess your feelings for a while now. Might as well take this time to really slam it in his face. You started leaving the little notes everywhere that Shredder would see. You didn't stick around to see what he did with them, but you at least saw him read it.

"Your outfit would look great on my bedroom floor."

"I lost my keys... can I check your pants?"

"You look great right now. Do you know what else would look great on you? Me!"

They were all pretty bad. Bad and not the most appropriate. You'd feel your stomach drop when you saw Bebop, Rocksteady, or Krang nearly find it. Luckily they never did and or never cared to pick them up. Your heart beat fast every time Shredder would pick them up, dipping before seeing what he'd do with them.

Finally it was the big day.

You went up to Shredder who was working on a new device to destroy the turtles or something like that. Tapping his arm, your heart beat a million miles a second. You couldn't go back now you were committed to this. He looked over at you, taking off his face shield.

"Yes what is i-"

"I was feeling very off today, but then you turned me on. Happy Valentine's Day, will you be mine?"

You handed him a box of chocolates and a red rose. To your surprise he took it from you. Your face was redder than the rose you gave him and your heart felt like it was going to jump out at any moment. You stayed put though, waiting for him to say anything. He put the rose and chocolates down on a table nearby. you didn't know what he was doing but when he came back to you he grabbed your arms and pushed you to the nearest wall.

Things started happening so fast. He forced his leg in between yours and forced your arms above your head with one hand. with his other he pulled off his mask and tossed it to the side. He tilted your chin up and pressed his lips to yours. He kissed you hard for what didn't feel long enough before he pulled away.

"You can't get away with making such horrible pickup lines without consequence."

You were about to respond when he kissed you again, this time deeper. His free hand explored you gently. You got goosebumps as his hand brushed underneath your top and onto your skin. He felt your hips and slowly crept upwards to your chest. He teased you with his thumb lightly, suddenly pinching you causing you to gasp. He didn't take that gasp for granted; he forced himself deeper, tasting every bit of you. you felt his leg push against you more, causing you to feel hotter and hotter. You felt yourself melt under him, a feeling you never wanted to end.

Sadly your fun did come to an end as Krang entered the room.

"Shredder are you finished with tha-" he stopped mid sentence seeing the position you were both in. Shredder let go of you, straightened you and himself out, and grabbed his mask.

"Almost" he said in a low monotonous voice.

Krang said nothing as he looked back and forth at the two of you and left.

You were on your way out too when Shredder stopped you.

"We'll finish this later."

You blushed "It's a date!"


Punishment for bad pickup lines Shredder X Reader (1987)Where stories live. Discover now