Suspicious Heroes

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The rest of Rosita's day was bland to say the least. Because it is the first day, and normally first days at Sky High mainly consist of Power Placement, she essentially had the rest of the day off.

The couple make it back to Rosita's house. "Abuelita, I'm home!" she announces. Because she didn't hear a response, she comes to the conclusion that her grandmother is at the salon and spa that she owns, Dorado Spa & Salon. To pay back her grandmother for bringing her in, she works there as a front desk clerk.

Prior to Warren's shift at The Paper Lantern, they watch a movie in the living room. Towards the end of another Simpsons episode, they hear the yell of Francesca Santos. "No! You have done enough damage to my family!"

That outburst caught Warren and Rosita's attention, and they made their way towards the front door. "Francesca, please, we just want to help." they hear the voice of Josie Stronghold plead out.

"Because of you two, I have no daughter. My granddaughter has to live the rest of her life knowing that her parents missed milestones." Francesca chokes out.

It is obvious to Rosita that her grandmother never really got closure for the death of her mother.

She rushes over to her grandmother. "Abuelita, está bien (it's okay)." she consoles her grandmother. She sends a grateful smile to Rosita as she turns her attention to the Strongholds. "If you excuse me, I have a granddaughter to raise." she hisses as she closes the door on them.

"How was your day, mi preciosa rosa (my precious rose)?" Francesca asks Rosita. "A bit uneventful." she tells her as she gives her a hug. Francesca notices Warren leaning against the archway, greeting her with a small smile.

"Warren, it's so good to see you, my dear." Francesca greets him as she gives him a hug. "Hi, Ms. Santos." he greets her. "How many times have I told you to call me Francesca?" she asks him.

Francesca and Warren's mom are the only two people that got to witness how Warren and Rosita went from childhood friends to being in a relationship.

"Are you staying for dinner?" she asks. "Ah, I have to be at The Paper Lantern soon." he tells her. "Well, it's nice seeing you, dear." she tells him as he gives a parting kiss to Rosita, and leaves the house.

The following day, Rosita and Warren are off to their Mad Science class. That, lunch, and PE are the only times that Rosita and Warren get to see each other.

They opt for the table in the back. Their teacher, Mr. Medulla, the teacher with a giant head, introduces himself, and they are off building a heat ray.

As they were building it, some random guy decides to mess with something, and it leaves the science lab shaking. Warren covers Rosita's body, and the shaking stops.

"I'll let the other classes know that it's a misfire in class. Class dismissed!" Mr. Medulla tells the class as one by one, the students start to leave the Mad Science lab.

The couple leave the classroom. Someone calls out Warren's name, and when he turns, it was Gwen Grayson that called out for him.

"I'm so sorry to hear about your dad, Warren. It must feel...weird to see the son of the man that put him in jail here." Gwen tells him. Warren furrows his eyebrows. "The hell is that supposed to mean?" he asks.

Gwen's sickly sweet smile did not seem to falter. "I mean, if I were you, I would give him a piece of my mind, if you know what I mean." she tells him. Warren remembers what Rosita said to him yesterday about them not turning into their fathers. "If he stays out of my way, then there would not be a problem."

Gwen then notices the pink-haired girl on his arm. "I'm..." she's about to introduce, but Rosita cuts her off. "Gwen Grayson, I know. You're the student body president."

Warren saw how uncomfortable Rosita is getting, knowing about her being socially awkward around people she doesn't really know, so he gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze, as the brunette raised her eyebrows, as if she was impressed. "Observational, aren't you? You two are adorable." she comments.

The couple then turns around, so their backs are facing the girl clad in pink. "This is my next class. I'll see you later, Ro." he tells her, giving her a long kiss before they parted ways.

Rosita's next class is her Combat class. She shows excellence in that class, partially due in part to the training that her dad got her through, and because of that, her agility is above average.

After her training, she was about to go to the locker room when arms were looped through her arms. She looks over to see the same girl that it's the girl that consists of the whole Cheerleading squad.

"That is pretty impressive." the girl says. "How are you able to do that?" she asks. Rosita couldn't tell which one is a clone or not, knowing well that she can duplicate herself.

"I-I did some combat training with my dad know..." she trails off, and the girl is able to connect the dots. "Oh, right. You're King Cobra's daughter." she connects the two, causing Rosita to fiddle with her thumbs. "Yeah."

"Well, I'm Penny. I can multiply myself." she introduces herself, grabbing Rosita's hand to shake it. "I am also the captain of the Cheerleading squad, so if you want, I can get you an audition." she tells her, and in response, Rosita just shrugs.

"I don't know. It's my first day of classes. I just want to lay low." she tells her. "Well, think about it, okay?" Penny tells her, giving her a smile, which almost seems forced as she walks into the locker room.

On her way to lunch, she wanted to put some stuff away in her locker. A gust of wind brushes past her, and when she closes her locker, one of the guys that tried to scam her, Speed, was behind her locker door, and she jumps back with a gasp, holding a hand against her racing heart. "Jesus!" she breathes out.

"Sorry there. Didn't mean to scare you." he tells her. "Are you new here? We rarely ever get new students at Sky High?" he asks, to which she nods. "I'm..." he was about to introduce, but she cut him off.

"Speed. You and your friend tried to steal money from us." Rosita says to him. "Speaking of friend, I think my boy has his eye on you." he points out, pointing in a direction. She looks over to see Lash waving at her.

She purses her lips, and redirects her attention back to Speed. "Okay...well, tell him that I'm not interested. I already have a boyfriend." she tells him before she goes towards the cafeteria.

She stands in line for lunch. "Hey." she hears. She looks behind her to see the stretchy guy from yesterday standing behind her with a smile. She gives him a tight smile before looking towards the food options.

"I'm Lash, but I'm sure you already knew that." he says in an arrogant tone, in which Rosita scrunches up her nose. "And you must be Rosita."

"How'd you know my name?" she asks as she grabs a sandwich. "I may have asked around." he tells her with a smirk. She was about to pay for her lunch, but a hand forces her hand down, and Lash pays for her lunch.

"I didn't ask for you to do that." she tells him. "You're a cute girl, and who's to say that chivalry is dead." he tells her. She was about to go towards her and Warren's table, when a hand harshly grabs her wrist.

"Hey, what's the rush? Is this how they did it at that fancy prep school, acting all cold, distant and playing hard to get?" Lash is asking. Rosita was about to leave again, but Lash stopped her again.

She gives him a deadpan look. "Seriously?"

She manages to get out of his grip and goes over to the table that she shares with Warren.

"Is everything okay?" she asks her distant boyfriend. "Yeah, it's just today's a weird day." he tells her. She grabs his hand, her thumb grazing the flame tattoos that are on his wrist. "You wanna talk about it?"

"You know that girl that confronted us after Mad Science?" he asks. "Gwen?" she guesses, to which he confirms. "Never once did she voluntarily come up to talk to me. It was only one time, at orientation." he confesses to her. "And her friends have been cornering me all day today."

"I'm gonna go on a whim and guess that there's three of them; one of them can create duplicates of herself, one of them is super fast, and one of them can stretch." she guesses, causing him to nod.

"I agree with you that something about them."

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