everglow : twenty three

Start from the beginning

"So, you claim to be my sister," Harry speaks up.

"Yes, I believe we're siblings." She nods in agreement.

"Why?" he asks.

"Well my adopted mother thought it'd be nice for me to meet my birth mother and through pictures, I discovered you," she smiles.

Before he can react, she digs into the pocket of her cardigan and pulls out an old polaroid picture. Gemma pushes it to him on the table and he gulps before staring at himself as a toddler.

He has never seen this picture before but he instantly recognises himself as a child. It's possibly the most innocent and happy he looked as a child, and that hurts him just a little bit.

"Was she that done with you?" he mutters.

"Oh no. I was curious and she allowed me to explore my curiosity," she explains.

"Well mine hated my guts and always made sure to remind me," he shoots her a weak smile.

Gemma gives him a sympathetic smile and she reaches to touch his hand, but he's fast to withdraw from her.

"I'm so sorry." She says.

"Why?" He chuckles.

"Well, our birth mother trusted her to raise you and she failed to show love," she replies.

"Is - our - uh your birth mother...is she still alive?" Harry clears his throat again as he fights the nerves.

"Yes. Her name's Anne, and she just moved to Reading," she says.

"Anne," he repeats and exhales. "Well, good on her."

"I have a picture and I can share -"

"No, keep it. Thanks."

Harry quickly waves her off and returns his own picture to her.

It's a little too much for someone who doesn't know how to process stuff. He sighs and looks around, noticing one of his bodyguards perfectly blending in as a cafe guest.

Gemma smiles in understanding and quietly looks around.

"So, are you excited for your upcoming tour?" she asks.

"What if you're not my sister?" he asks.

"We can always do a DNA test to confirm," she shrugs.

"Right. Those exist," he smiles a little.

"But I mean, we share the same face," Gemma chuckles.

"No wonder you went viral for a bit," Harry manages to chuckle.

Gemma brings her palm to pat her belly again and she gives him a knowing smile.

"Sorry it annoys you, but I'm very pregnant," she explains.

"Don't mind me. How far along are you?" he asks.

"7 months," she replies.

"So, are you married? Single? What is the situation?" He continues the small talk.

"Dumped. Yeah - very dumped actually," she laughs a little.

"Hey, same here. Tomorrow's actually my one year anniversary of getting dumped," he laughs along with her.

"No way. Are you celebrating?" she smiles.

"You bet. Going on a long bike ride and I plan to fuck whoever I see once my ride is done," Harry replies.

Gemma widens her eyes in shock and slowly nods in understanding.

"Hey, you do you as they say," she gives him a thumbs up.

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