"Not cool man!"

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Colby's POV

As me, Sam, Cory and Jake walk past this weirdly old creepy gate. in a weird creepy forest. I hear a disembodied voice coming from behind the gate. "LEAVE NOW" a deep voice growls. "Ayo did you guys just hear that?!" I exclaim as I turn around to face them whilst trying not to fall backward over the billions of dead flowers struned across the forest floor not the first time thats happened.

"Yeah colbs where was that?" Sam asks me I try not to blush at Sam caling me that and stutter as I reply "s-sounded like someone was yelling Leave or something like that." i reply "nah dude that's fucked!" Cory replies catching up to our group.

As me, Sam and Jake walk through the gate, the crunching of leaves and twigs "god dang it" I say whilst trying not to jump. "Hey that's my line!" Sam replies playfully pushing me back whilst trying to keep himself from laughing with his other hand. Once he realises he pushed me and he quickly catches me like this.

"Oooooooooo" Jake hums whilst Sam pulls me up from this position after pushing me

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Oooooooooo" Jake hums whilst Sam pulls me up from this position after pushing me. I give a glance at Jake giving him the 'bruh' look as I stare into Sam's eyes.

"T-Thanks man" I say whilst trying not to stare into his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes omit a low buzz of happiness. Fuck he noticed shiiiiiiiiiit...

"Jake man seriously!" I say as I softly punch his shoulder to get him to stop joking around. I text Jake 'Not when Sam's with us dude!' as we keep trying to find this abandoned children's home at least that's what Sam's told me we're looking for...

Time skip to when they find the place×+

As we go through this old ass orphanage-looking building Sam splits us into groups as per usual.

"Jake you go with Cory and if anything happens you have our numbers just call us or something and we'll come find you"
"ok dude!" Cory replies "Sure man!" Jake replies slightly after Cory does.

"Colbs let's go this way dude!" Sam calls me over to go exploring with him. "Okay man!" I reply whilst itching my neck awkwardly

Time skip again until they put their sticker down×+

"YOU OK DUDE!?" Sam whisper-yells towards me whilst running out the front door of the building. Jake and Cory not far behind me and Sam. "Yeah man!" I reply.

Whilst running I yell to Sam to catch the camera whilst I quickly pull off my hoodie tying it round my waist.

We manage to get back to our car in time. "Wtf was that!" Cory asks "Dude the organ sounds were scary as fuck!" Me and Sam say at the same time.

I giggle a little as Sam starts the car engine to get back to our hotel room so we can atleast get some sleep before tomorrow's flight back home.

My Sunshine- Solby Mini Storiesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن