It felt nice. Nicer than it ever has. To finally have someone who loved him for being him...Mom would have been happy to meet Zak.... Darryl thought. He looked to his side to his phone laying on the night stand. He picked it up going to iMessage. He texted his sister.



   He typed in. He was about to shut his phone and put back but he saw a text from his sister.

Hey Darryl.
How are you? Long time no see?

Just busy with the studies yk..

How are they going?

Pretty good

That's great!

How's mom?
Does she miss me?

A bit..I guess?
You got mentioned once on dinner
Mom started crying and dad..
He just got up and left

Anyway umm
I wanted to tell about someone

Who is it?

<Photo of Zak>
I thought you'd like to meet him
His name is Zak we umm-
Yk are...uhhh together

Darryl said. A bit nervous on what his sister might say.

What?how?when did this happen?
Oh my gosh congratss!!

It's been a few days.thanks tho!

He's cute:)
Mom would have liked him if
he was a girl

Mom would have liked him...

   They both said at the same time.

Yeah you're right...

Is there still a hope I can get her
to meet Zak?

I don't really know tbh

Can you please talk to her?
She might change her mind...

I'll try...

K thanks

Alright I'll ttyl bye:)


   Darryl sighed as he shut his phone and put it back on the night stand. He then remembered what Cara had said to him. About the double date. Oh my goodness I totally forgot to tell Zak about the date!

   "Zakkie...Zakk wake up I got something to tell you, muffin!" Darryl tapped on Zak's face lightly.

   Zak let out a small grunt before opening his eyes. The first thing he saw was a pair of beautiful emerald green eyes looking at him with love. Darryl smiled seeing Zak awake.

   "You look even more handsome from up-close" Zak smiled, his voice was cutely deep.

   "Put your flirting aside you muffinhead I woke you up to tell you Puffy asked Niki out on a date and she said yes."

   "Ooooh congrats to her I guess!"

   "Yea and she because she found out we're dating, thanks to you. She suggested a double date"

    "That just got hella interesting in no time damn. What did you say?" Zak was still hugging Darryl

   "Of course I said yes!"

   Zak's head shot up at Darryl as he got up letting go of his grip on him. He gasped "so we're going on another date? YAYYYYY I LOVE YOU DARRYL" he threw his arms around Darryl's neck almost making him fall out of  the bed.

   "Willing to get out of the bed now and get ready? It's already pretty late."


   They both finally got out of the bed. Zak took his clothes and Darryl showed him the other bathroom. They both went to shower. And after a while they were both ready to start a new day.

•1137 words•

A/n: dayum it's been long since I uploaded. I need ideas!! Plssss! I'm running out! I just got free from all the exams and there's already another round waiting on 7th Feb...qwq. k bai bai you beautiful people. See y'all later:). Don't forget you are loved, appreciated and worth it!! Stay happy, healthy and hydrated!! Love you all!!<3.

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