Isabela was incredibly happy for you both, but would pretend the flirting bothered her, when you and Camilo were in the same room she would divide you both using a wall made out of flowers just to spite Camilo but it only ever made you laugh.

Luisa gave you a bone crushing hug when she found out, excited for you and Camilo. Of course Camilo shifted into her just he could give her the same kind of hug she could give him

Pepa and Felix were the proudest of them all, You were in the middle of helping Felix with his chores (It was his turn to bring in firewood and you were helping him carry it back to the Casita) "Tio," You began carrying the basket of wood "Where should I le—" You started but was cut off with him holding you by your shoulders

"None of that" He quickly dismisses "From this day forward you should start calling me, Papa"

"Papa?" You repeated in shock

"Exactly!" he says happily "You called?"

You went red, flustered "But Tio—"

"Papa" He says again cutting you off, turning to place wood in his own basket

"Papa" You said softly "Don't you think its a bit too much?"

"Of course not" he began "Mariano calls me Papa"

"Mariano and Dolores are to be married" You began "Its only natural"

He laughs "Oh, Y/n" He places a hand on your shoulder "Its only natural that a parent is excited for their child's love, and I am quite happy that Camilo fell in love with you, that is why I want you to call me Papa" he smiles "Ok?"

"Ok," You said defeatedly, watching as he expects you to address him "Papa"

"Wonderful!" he says and starts gathering the firewood

And there was Pepa who was literally walking around with an actual sun or a rainbow overhead by how happy she was for Camilo

"Tia Pepa" You called holding a three year old in your arms "Can you please make a rainbow for little Mattias?"

She agrees raising her hands to show the boy the rainbow "Didn't Felix already tell you about how you should call us Papa and Mami?"

You blinked "Mami?"

"So he hasn't?" She sighs "Ay that Felix" She sighs and smiles when Mattias stared in awe at the rainbow "Well in any case, I hope you call me Mami from now on, it would mean a lot to me"

You swallowed, readjusting your hold on Mattias and nodded "Sure... Mami" You said surprised by both hers and Felix's words

"Camilo" You called out after spotting him a few hours later, surrounded by a crowd of children as he retells the story of how the Casita broke down and then rebuilt, something these children were probably too young to remember

He brightens seeing you "Hey, Mi Reina" He greets

The children look between the two of you before one boy speaks up "Is she your girlfriend?"

Camilo nods "She's pretty, isn't she?" He praises you and then turns to look at your unamused expression, he clears his throat and usher the kids away "hey, why don't you guys play over there while me and Y/n talk about what story I should say next"

The kids happily ran off, and he turns to you, holding your hand "What's wrong?"

Your hummed, rubbing your thumb against his hand, a silent way to tell him you are not mad "Its about your parents"

He tilts his head "What about them?"

"They want me to call the Mami and Papa" You said with a sigh

I know its you //Camilo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now