19 years Later (YEAR: 2003)

138 21 1

The Suppasit family..

"Dad ..Dad.. are you listening to me???" Tharn was nagging to his Dad..about leaving for Malaysia to study...in XXX University

But his Dad was adamant enough to ignore the young man pleas..

"Dad I wanna go out of this country ... please Dad... I am old enough to live by myself.. the college is providing scholarship for students.. please Dad..."

His father looked at him... " Tharn I am really busy right now ..have an important conference to attend... would you please leave my study... what I said once ..a NO means a NO... you are studying in our college... is that clear??"

But Dad!!

No Buts Tharn.... Go and fill up the forms for our college...." Sky Suppasit shooed his son and locked his study room...

But Tharn had other plans...

He secretly filled the form for a Malaysian University and went to his brother for signature.. Being busy on an important call .. Thorn didn't look at what Tharn was telling him to sign.. he just saw the admission form and signed ....

Tharn was too happy ... he already planned everything beforehand... His friends will be joining him as well.

He knew that both his father and brother would be busy with the upcoming conference... so he tactfully got the signature from Thorn... because he knows that his dad won't come out of his office for the next two days..before the conference.

As for Tharn's Mom ...she always agreed to both her sons..in whatever they do...

The day after Tharn flew to Malaysia to study two Majors ..Business ad Music.. .












Thiwat House

"Mama ..please stop babying me... will be fine... I am going there on scholarship.. I am grown up to handle myself...." Said Type packing his back pack.. his suitcase and books has already been sent to the college condo.... He will be leaving with his back pack and laptop..

Baby ..please you will eat well stay healthy and for God Sake get rid of those specs.. they make my pretty boy look nerdy... and for heaven sake get into a relationship.. : Renuka Thiwat was ranting ..

Type looked at his mother...in surprise.. " you are the first mom I believe who is urging me to be in a relationship.. wont you feel bad if someone stole you precious boy from you??

Oh Please.. I am not that type of possessive mother... I know my children too well ... me and your father have brought you up.... We really believe in both our children that's why even when our other family members rejected the idea of Teena joining business...we supported her....now look..at her.... She has made her name ..... in our business circle and owns a fashion studio of her own....

Why don't you join her studio as model.. your disguise as a nerd really pisses me off.. Type....." his mother huffed..

Whats all this commotion about...Ren..are you still trying to persue Type in changing her looks?? Sky Thiwat questioned... entering Type's room with Teena..

Ren just pouted... " mmm... no no.. I was just telling Type to take care of himself while he stays away from us..."

Type looked at his mom... and shook his head...

"So little man.. ready for your college.." Sky smiled..

"Yes Papa.." Type assured.

"So baby brother is finally leaving huh... I wish I could drop you to the airport..but this conference is taking a toll on us..." Teena sighed..

She loves her brother too much but being his elder sister and the eldest sibling of the family... she is more matured..and restricts her emotions.

Let us know once you reach XXX University........ I will be at the conference hall...."

"Yes Papa"

"we will miss you.." Ren sniffed..

Type " Aww..come on mom... we will be in touch... okay.." with that he hugged his mother and his father and sister joined........

Two people from the same city ..boarded the flight to Malaysia ...

They will be studying in the same college..with same major....

Tharn Suppasit and Type Thiwat .... Both are on their ways to fulfil their dream..





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