WandaNat Chapter One

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"Wanda?" Nat calls out from behind her door. "It's chow time!" she quotes. Wanda is tired and bruised all over from the battle of ultron. "Come in" Wanda says in her strong Sokovian accent. Nat comes through the door with a kids microwave meal and smiles brightly. Wanda didn't know why she was so cheerful or why she was all of a sudden making food. Nat notices her confused look and says "I thought you might be hungry you haven't eaten in days". Wanda looks at Nat gratefully and takes the food. "I've never seen anything like this" Wanda says as she stares at the dinosaur shaped nuggets. She picks one up and gives Nat a look. "It's chicken shaped like a dinosaur!" Nat giggles. Wanda takes a few bites and settles on microwave kids meals as her favorite. "Thank you so much Natasha this is so good" Wanda exclaims. Natasha subconsciously takes Wanda's soft hands and says "Call me Nat". "Wow your hands feel very soft" Nat says awkwardly as she drops Wanda's hand. "Thank you?" Wanda says confused. "How are you liking your room?" Nat says desperately trying to change the subject. Wanda's room had nothing but a bed and a tv in it. "It's good" Wanda lies. "Can I ask you something?" Says Nat. "Sure" "How would you like to go with me to a store to pick out food and decorations for your room?" Nat says. Wanda again looks at Nat. "I'd love that" Wanda smiles. "Are we going now?" Says Wanda not knowing anything. "Yeah if you want I'll get ready" "Okay I'll get ready as well". As Nat exits the room Wanda quickly pulls on a black sundress Nat gave her when she arrived at the compound. She also puts on rings and a special necklace she kept from her mom a very long time ago. She looks in the mirror and smiles. She steps towards the door and opens it to see Nat wearing overalls and a green tank top with boots. "Are you ready she says?" "Yeah!" Wanda says as she looks at Nat in awe. "Let's go then we're taking my motorcycle". As they exit the compound, they walk to a separate garage unit where Wanda spots Nats helmet collection. "Is this your strange addiction?" Wanda asks glancing at Nat. "It's doesn't hurt anyone" Nat says defensively. As they walk towards the shelves where Nat store her helmets Wanda lightly brushes Nats hand and she notices. Glancing at Wanda awkwardly she says "Pick a helmet any helmet!". Wanda looks at all the helmets and starts to count out loud. "One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, and Ten!" She says. Wanda picks out a green colored helmet with a ton of stickers and Nat chooses a simple black one. They walk over to the shiny motorcycle and Nat gets on. "Make sure to hold on tight" Nat says as she puts her helmet on. Wanda attempts to put her helmet on as well but struggles. She sees Wanda and says "Here let me help you". She brushes Wanda's long brown hair out of her face and puts the helmet on her. "You look pretty cool in that" She says. Wanda laughs and they both get on the bike. The engine revs up and Wanda places both hands on Nats hips. She gets slightly red but ignores it and starts to move the bike forward. The two rode and chatted for about 20 minutes to get to New York City. Of course Wanda has never seen anything like it and she was in awe. "Where will we be shopping Nat?" She asked. "A magical place called Target!" She says sarcastically. As they approach Target, Wanda was shocked at how amazing everything in NYC was. From giant sky scrapers to little Hot Dog stands. She loved it all! They entered the building and Wanda immediately looked at all of the stuff you could buy. "Do you make money for being an Avenger?" Asked Wanda politely. "Yes of course I do! I steal Tony's credit card and transfer it to my bank account!". The two share a laugh and start to picking out things. Wanda and Nat go to the kids toy section and Wanda spots a Lion plush toy. "Oh my gosh it's so cute!" She exclaims. "It's name is Simba the Lion" Natasha reads. "Simba! What a wonderful thing" says Wanda exited. "Do you want Simba Wanda?" Nat asks. "Yes please" Wanda smiles. The go through Target row by row and Wanda picks out candles, books, plants, clothing, and a lot of blankets and pillows. Satisfied, the two pay for Wanda's stuffed animal and Nat throws in a plush dinosaur to match Simba. "Thank you so much Natasha" Wanda says gratefully. "Anytime" says Nat picking up 4 shopping bags full of stuff. "It's almost dinner Wanda! Would you like to go out and eat food?" Asks Nat. "I'd love that! At where though?" Asks Wanda. Nat points to a small restaurant with a shining open sign. They both walk over to the restaurant and step inside. Wanda looks around. Exited, they both sit down on a blue leather bench and pick up their menus. The waiter walks over and asks what drinks they would like. "I'll have a Root Beer please" Wanda says. "I'll take a Coke" Says Nat. "Right away" the waiter says. The two laugh and talk as they wait for food and drinks. Nat catches Wanda looking at her a couple times. This was the first time Wanda has truly connected with someone again. As they finished dinner, they order food to go for the rest of the avengers. "I'm stuffed to the limits" Says Wanda tired. "Me as well" Says Nat. The two exit the restaurant and Nat hears a loud ding coming from her phone. She reaches into her bag and picks up the phone. "Shit!" Nat says as she reads the text message. "What is it Natasha?" "Powers out at the compound for at least 3 days" "What happened?!" Wanda says panicked. "Tony ruined something and the now the power is out" Says Nat. "I'm not very surprised" Says Wanda. "We should probably stay at my apartment in the mean time. It's just a few blocks from here" Nat states. "You have an apartment too?" Wanda says surprised. "I didn't always live with the avengers Maximoff" says Nat. As they cross the busy streets of New York City, they stop for ice cream and more shopping. The two finally approach Natasha's small apartment after delaying it for 2 hours. The apartment is a baby blue color with white details and a welcome mat. "I really like your apartment Natasha and I haven't even been inside!" "Thank you" She says. The inside has light brown floors, white and grey walls, and a ton of decor and plants. Wanda also spots a lot of books and a hanging swing chair in the corner. "It is very cozy in here" Says Wanda looking at the brick fireplace. Natasha hands Wanda her shopping bags and they unpack everything they bought together. Candy, books, decor, and more! "We really shopped a lot today" Says Nat laughing. The apartment is equipped with a very small kitchen and one single bathroom. You could tell only one person was meant to live there. "Where do you sleep at night?" Asks Wanda curiously. "I sleep on the pull out couch. Here I'll show you" Says Nat. She takes the cushions off her velvet red couch and reveals and handle in which she pulls. A bed folds out and Wanda is surprised by this wonderful invention. Natasha opens a box labeled "Pjs" and pulls out a white nightgown, a tank top, and shorts. "Which one do you want?" She asks. Wanda looks at the nightgown and picks it up. "This is beautiful. I'll wear it" She says. "Good choice. We should change and get ready for bed. It's almost 1am. Says Nat. Wanda takes off her dress and puts on Nats nightgown. It's soft with lace and has a ton of buttons. Nat also changes into a simple tank top and shorts. "Can you come help me button this dress up?" Asks Wanda. "Of course" Nat says walking toward Wanda. As she buttons up Wanda's nightgown she notices all the bruises on Wanda's back and a look of sadness washes over her face. The two brush their teeth and Nat sets up the sofa bed. Wanda grabs her Simba and asks "Where should I sleep?" "You can sleep on my sofa bed which happens to be the only bed in this house if you want" Says Nat playfully. Wanda blushed very slightly and agrees. They hop into the squeaky bed and get under the covers. It happens to be an ice box in Natasha's house. Wanda rubs her cold feet on Natasha's legs and they both say goodnight.

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