10~Everyone Ships You Two

Start from the beginning

"Makoto!" I cried.  "Why the hell would you do that?  That's disrespectful."

Makoto shrugged.  "Couldn't help myself."

I glared at him, got up, and left.  I kinda knew he was kind of a perv, and I knew he liked Muichiro, but I didn't expect that.  

I took out my phone and texted Kanao.

"Wanna hang out?"

About two minutes later, she replied.

"Yeah, right now?"

"Yes, if that's OK with you."

"It is."

"OK, meet me outside the school's front doors."


I reached the doors around 5 minutes later.  She was already waiting for me there.  

"Hi," I said.

"Hello," she replied, smiling.  

"Can we take a walk around the school?" I asked.  "It's really nice outside."

"It is," she agreed.  We began walking.

"So, how'd your day go?" I asked.

"Pretty normal," she replied.  "I made the mistake of checking my messages earlier today."

"How's that a mistake?" I said.

"Because Inosuke sent me a selfie of him and his maid uniform," she said.  "I'm not even bothered by the fact that it's a tiny little tacky maid uniform-"  Something me and her could always agree on was that the thing for maid uniforms is stupid- "It's that it's Inosuke, and he has the pig head on, and he has no shirt, and he painted hearts on his abs."

"Jeez," I replied.  "Me and my friends were just there, actually.  I saw him.  I think he gave some kid trauma."  

"Makes since," she said.  "It is Inosuke.  I didn't know you went there?"

"I don't usually," I replied.  "But my friends - Makoto, Kenichi, Akio - like it there.  I just left them, though."

"Why?" She asked.

"Cause Makoto is a perv," I answered, rolling my eyes.

"Ew," she replied.  "What'd he do?"

"You know my roommate?"  I asked.  "Muichiro?"  She nodded.  "Yeah, well, he works there.  And right when we sat down, Makoto got out his damn phone and took a picture of him."

"Does he know him well?" She asked.

"Never spoken to each other," I answered.

"Okay," she said.  "That's creepy."

"Yep," I replied.  "And he smacked his ass."

"What?" She said.  "Ew!  That's not okay."

"Exactly," I said.  We were quiet for a few minutes.

"Anyway," she said, suddenly grinning.  "On the subject of your roommate... Nezuko showed me a picture she took of you and him sleeping together.  What's that about?"

"Oh," I replied.  "So it's not okay for Makoto to take a picture of someone he barely knows, but it's okay for Nezuko to walk into someone's room at night and take pictures of them while they're sleeping, is it?"

"The difference," replied Kanao.  "Is that while what she did was also creepy, her motives weren't creepy, like your friend's."

"Mhm," I said skeptically.

"So," she said.  "Are you two dating?"

"No," I replied.  

"Oh, dang it," she said.  "Nezuko and I ship you two.  So does Tanjiro.  And Zenitsu.  And my sister's friend Mitsuri.  And I think Inosuke does, but I don't know if he fully understands what that is... so do you like him?"

"Maybe," I said.  "But I don't think he likes me, so I'm not gonna tell him.  I'm just gonna wait for it to go away."

"You see a lot of him every day," she mused.  "I don't think it's gonna go away soon... anyway, I don't even think that's true.  I've seen him blushing at you.  Nezuko, Tanjiro and Zenitsu all say they've seen it too.  And Mr. Uzui.  Oh yeah, he ships you guys too, by the way."

"Mr. Uzui ships us?" I demanded.  "That's just weird.  A teacher shipping his students."  (AN: lmao last year I had this science teacher that shipped two of my friends and kept sitting them next to each other and partnering them up for projects and they actually got together and still are and they're cute af).

"I think it's cute," she replied, smiling.  "Oh, look.  We're back."  I looked up and noticed we were back at the school doors.  

"Bye," she said, and walked inside.  


Guess who confessed to their crush and got rejected by her 💀 - anyway have an amazing day/night lol

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