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"I hate being sick," Yumiko grumbled into the phone as she rummaged around the kitchen.

"How long have you been sick again?" Yukako asked on the other side of the line, trying to wrangle Kaya who was about to start coloring on the walls of Yukako and Koichi's apartment.

"A week, it's not fair. Josuke was sick for three days!" Yumiko exclaimed.

"Ha! Maybe you are pregnant," Yukako chuckled, taking the crayons away from Kaya and moving her to the dining table with some paper.

"What makes you say that?" Yumiko asked sarcastically.

"I mean, if Josuke was sick for three days, you should have been sick for the same amount, or at least 5 maximum," Yukako replied, "you've been sick for a week, 7-8 days, and all of the symptoms you have are similar to what I went through with Kaya."

"Yeah, ok well listen I appreciate your manifesting but I think I'm good, I have to go anyways because I'm hungry so I'll talk to you later," Yumiko said before hanging up the phone.

"Me, pregnant? Ha, nice one Yukako," Yumiko chuckled to herself.

But the thought lingered in the back of her mind.

"F*cking hell, alright fine Yukako, you win," Yumiko mumbled to herself, abandoning her food and walking to the bathroom.

She moved boxes of bandages, hygiene products, cans of hairspray, cleaning chemicals, and more until she reached what she was looking for.

A small box in the back of the cupboard, containing a pregnancy test.

"Alright, let's get this over with..."


Yumiko sat on the bathroom floor.

"He's going to kill me," Yumiko whispered to herself, looking at the capped test in her hand.

And it's two lines.

"We're going to kill each other," Yumiko said, setting the test on the counter.

"No," she said, "I'm going to kill him!"

"Yumiko! I'm back!" Josuke exclaimed, shutting the front door.

"After I hide all of this," Yumiko squeaked, pushing the box off the counter into the garbage and covering it up with toilet paper as she shoved the test into her pocket.

"Yumiko? Are you alright? It sounds like you're taming a wild animal in there," Josuke said as he tried to open the door, Yumiko leaning against it to prevent him from opening it, the handle nearly hitting her abdomen.

"You're gonna hurt it!" Yumiko exclaimed.

"You do have a wild animal in there!" Josuke shouted, pushing the door open, Yumiko jumping out of it's way and landing on the floor.

"Oh, there isn't. Crap! Are you ok!?" Josuke exclaimed, helping Yumiko up from the floor, the test falling out of her pocket.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but don't just open the door!" Yumiko shouted, punching Josuke's chest.

"I'm sorry! Oh Yu, you dropped something," Josuke said, leaning to pick up the test.

"Josuke, wait!"

But she was too late, Josuke had already seen the test.

"Yumiko, I know I may be an idiot when it comes to women stuff sometimes, but I know what this is, and how it works," Josuke mumbled, examining the piece of plastic, "Is this the only one?"

"Yeah, I only got the chance to take one," Yumiko replied.

"Can you take another? I want to make sure it isn't false."

"Yeah, I can do that."


"Instead of taking just one more, I took three. Josuke, they're all positive," Yumiko said, opening the bathroom door.

"You're not joking?" Josuke asked.


"Well.... Looks like we skipped a step!" Josuke chuckled shakily, his eyes brimming with tears.

"What steps were there!?" Yumiko exclaimed.

"First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage...We missed step two, but I think that's alright," Josuke smiled.

"You're absolutely sure?" Yumiko asked, looking up at Josuke as she held back tears.

"Hey, what kind of dad would I be if I left? That old sh*t bag was never there for me or Yukako, but I want to be here not just for the kid, but for you too," Josuke said, resting his hands on Yumiko's shoulders, "I'm staying right here, whether you want me or not."

"Thanks Jojo," Yumiko smiled, embracing Josuke.

"And besides, my mom wasn't married when she had me, why should I have to be married for our kid? It's just a baby, they won't care," Josuke said.

Yumiko stepped away from the hug and punched Josuke in the arm.

"Come on Yumiko! That's actually extremely painful!" Josuke whined.

"How do you think I feel! By the end of all this we'll have a walking watermelon with a college fund and I have to be the one to get it out!" Yumiko shouted.

"It's not like we expected this to happen now!"

"Well maybe we could have planned around it!"

"How were we supposed to plan around it!?"

"Ok, ok, we need to calm down. This may be unexpected but it's not ruining our lives," Yumiko sighed, "I guess I should tell Yukako she was right."

"Of course it's my sister's fault!" Josuke exclaimed.

"Your sister wasn't the one who got me pregnant, pomp. That's on you. She was the one to suggest the theory that I was pregnant, and I gave in."

"Well if she hadn't we wouldn't be dealing with this!"

"Damn you're stupid, we would still be in this situation, sister or not. And what happened to you being all happy about this baby? You're talking about it as if they're an obstacle!" Yumiko shouted.

"I.....I just don't think I'm prepared for this yet...." Josuke admitted, slowly sitting on the ground.

"Josuke, your mom wasn't ready for you or Yukako when she had you two. We just unfortunately fell down the same path, just a little later than Mrs.Yukako Hirose," Yumiko said, sitting down beside her boyfriend on the ground.

Josuke chuckled at her remark.

"At least all three were a surprise," Josuke sighed, resting a hand on Yumiko's knee.

"Yeah, now we get to join the surprise parent club!" Yumiko chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess we do."

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