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The boy screamed and the woman, or rather his mother, looked at him worriedly. The boy, noticing his mother's expression, hurried to fix the situation "No ... that's it ... it's that..birthday ... yes..I was thinking about when my birthday will come so I will grow up a little too and I can help the mother ". The woman looked affectionately at the child and approaching him said "Don't worry, my Takemichi will grow up soon! Now, however, get dressed and washed. I made you pancakes!" Takemichi nodded and the woman left the room. As soon as the door was closed, the child jumped onto the bed and began to analyze the situation 'What's going on? Why did I go back? Why when I was little? Maybe ... I shook Mikey's hand. ' The child was confused but also reassured because he believed that this was another possibility to save not only Mikey but also the others. 'But now is not the time. I have to get ready and get off before Mom gets suspicious. Maybe when I get home I'll see how to do it later.' Takemichi got up, made the bed, washed, got dressed and took the satchel before going downstairs. When he got to the kitchen, he saw his mother making coffee and her place full of delights: pancakes with whipped cream and chocolate, milk with a sprinkle of cocoa, a bowl of chopped fruit and a glass of orange juice. Takemichi's mouth watered and rushed to eat "Bon appetit!". The mother looked at him with satisfaction. Suddenly Takemichi sees that someone is sitting in front of him and almost did not spit out the fruit he was eating. It was his father. Takemichi has never interacted with his father so much that he no longer recognizes him as such. He was a cold, unscrupulous man who only thought about working. When he was little he was actually wealthy because his father was a collaborator of a famous company of fashion, even if Takemichi has a bad style about fashion. The father died on a business trip and left a large sum of work for the family. But the mother made a mistake by investing all the money in a scam and so worked hard and constantly to support the family, so much so that Takemichi rarely saw her. She was such a sweet and loving mother. Takemichi tried not to pay attention to him and to continue breakfast. -Drrrr-Drriinn- The doorbell rang and the mother went to answer it. The voice of his mother and a child could be heard at the door. "Good morning Mrs. Hanagaki! How are you? Is Takemichi ready?" asked the blond-haired boy. "Oh! Good morning Takuya-kun! Thank you for your concern and say hello to your parents on my part. Now I'm going to call him!" Takemichi! Hurry up! " The boy with the sky-colored eyes reluctantly left his breakfast and took the satchel and then headed towards the entrance. His mother stopped him, delivering him lunch and wishing him a good day. Takemichi left the house and started walking with Takuya ... ///////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\///////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\
Author's note: as I promised here it is. Ummmm .... my stories are too long and uninteresting but I hope someone likes to read them! Actually I have the first 6 chapters ready to publish and I'm working on the others, but I'm bad and I want to leave you anxious about the chapters later. That said .. Goodbye

𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓘 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓼𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓵𝓵Where stories live. Discover now