"What." You croaked out. Sitting up and stretching your stiff limbs, you let out a loud yawn.

"Well, good morning to you too, sunshine! Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to get breakfast maybe?" Your brows furrowed, mind still a bit hazy. "It's Taehyung by the way." Sitting up properly this time, you quickly rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and cleared your throat.

"Uh yeah! I would love to join you for breakfast. I was actually planning on asking you to meet me for lunch today, but I guess you beat me to it." You smiled despite Taehyung not being able to see you.

"Great! I was thinking we could go to the Café I always see you in. Not that I stalk you or anything—" Taehyung added. You giggled, he's so cute.

"That sounds great, Tae. What time should I meet you there?" Standing up from your bed, you walked over to your closet to pick out an outfit.

"I was actually thinking that I could pick you up? Say an hour or so from now?"

"Sounds good! I'll see you soon." You hang up before speed walking to the bathroom.

By the time you were ready to go, the rest of the house was up and enjoying breakfast. You stood in the kitchen with the rest of the girls while waiting for Taehyung.

"Where are you going?" Daeun asked through a mouth-full of cereal.

"Taehyung asked if we could meet up for breakfast." You explained while scratching the back of your head. You've never really been a shy person, but recently you've found yourself becoming a little shy whenever Taehyung was involved. Jihyun was about to make a cheeky remark but the doorbell stopped her in her tracks.

Sana stood up so fast that her chair fell over. She jumped over it and sprinted to the front door, Ae-ra hot on her trail. You heard the door being ripped open and an overly enthusiastic Ae-ra greeting Taehyung. Panicking, you jogged to the front door to save Taehyung from the incoming interrogation.

"Tae! You're here! We should get going." You looped your arm with his and pulled him along with you. Sana and Ae-ra were soon joined by the rest of the girls. Taehyung opened the passenger door for you. While Taehyung walked to the driver's side, you looked up to see Lo humping the door frame while Haru made out with the back her hand.

You shook your head and politely asked Taehyung to drive faster before the hooligans decide to invade his car. Taehyung just laughed and told you to stop exaggerating. He really hasn't learnt anything about your friends these past few weeks, has he?

Once at the Café, Taehyung jumped out the car and jogged to the passenger side. He pulled the door open and stepped aside.

"M'lady." He bowed and offered his free hand for you to take. You chuckled and gripped his hand while stepping out of his car.

"Why thank you kind sir." You curtsied. You both giggled. After the giggles had subsided, you found yourself staring up at Taehyung. His eyes looked breath-taking in the morning sun. Taehyung cleared his throat and leaned over to shut the car door. He held his arm out for you to hold which you gratefully accepted.

Taehyung had managed to snag a secluded table and even offered to order for you. After telling him what you wanted, he jogged over to the cashier to place your orders. You had offered to pay but he refused. He even refused when you had offered to pay your half of the bill! Well, you're just going to have to utilise your pick-pocketing skills you learned from Jihyun and slip the money in his pocket when he wasn't looking. A few minutes later, you and Taehyung were digging into your respective meals.

While chewing away at your food, something dawned on you. Was this a date? He hadn't explicitly said it was but he also hadn't said that it wasn't.

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