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It's finally Yeji's last day of exam, it's also time for me to tell her that i'm leaving now.

Mom showed me my passport and she also showed me that i can finally go to America and i will have my operation. When Dad went here in the tenement, he told me that everything's fine now and i just need to go.

I'm happy that my hearing can be cured and it will take some time, that's all fine but i'm gonna leave Yeji behind, that's why i'm spending all of my time with her.

I'm right here outside her University, i'm waiting for her and after a while, she tapped my back and i can see the happiness on her face while she's jumping, twisting her body around, and she's saying, "We can have a drink now! We can have a drink now! We can have a drink now!".

We went to the store and i bought a two bottle of soju then Yeji looks so confused, she asked me, "Only 2? Why?" I knocked the bottle on her forehead, i told her, "We just need to drink like we're relaxing, we don't need to burn our livers".

From what i remember, it's also Yeji's birthday next month. I also bought a cake and a party hat then i bought a party popper. I texted Ma to open my room and clean it because we're gonna celebrate Yeji's birthday.

I can read Yeji's lips, she's asking me, "Who has a birthday?" I answered at her, "You, we're gonna celebrate your birthday now." She said, "But it's too early".

I didn't answer and i just bought what i need, when Ma texted me, "Everything's fine now". I called for a taxi and after a while, we reached the tenement. I told Yeji to open the door then Ma and the Kids are there and they are jumping, they started singing 'Happy Birthday'.

We eat some foods that i ordered and when Ma and the Kids left, i sit on the ground and i told Yeji, "Sit next to me". I opened the soju then i gave it to Yeji, after she drink it, she was about to say something, i can read her lips and i know where this will go but i don't wanna know it because it might want me to just stay here.

I told Yeji, "I'm leaving, the day after tomorrow, i'm going to America. I'm sorry for not telling you, i'm scared that it might distract you. You're the future of your Family and i don't want to destroy that because i'm leaving".

I can read Yeji's lips asking, "Why?" I hold her hand and put it on my ears, "I can possibly hear again, and that is what i want because when i met you, i have another reason why i want to survive and to hear again—" Yeji's about to cry but i lean my forehead on her forehead then i told her,

"There is one thing that i want to hear, one thing that i want to know what is sounds like, one thing that if i hear—it will complete my life". Yeji asked me, "What?" I touched her lips and told her,

"Your Voice".

Every night, i'm always imagining what Yeji's voice sounds like, does she have a soft voice? a loud voice? a voice that sound like a rat? a voice that sounds like someone who inhaled helium? I wanna know what her voice sounds like and it's making me cry, i'm always crying every night because of Yeji, i want to hear her voice so bad.

Yeji asked me, "When are you coming back?" I answered at her, "I have no idea but i want you to know that i will surely comeback here".

Yeji suddenly drink the two bottle of soju nonstop. Her face is so red and i just let her lie down on my bed and she pulled me, we're lying down next to each other on my bed and Yeji's touching my lips, i can't understand what she's saying i'm just nodding my head and i'm staring at her face.

I know i shouldn't be saying this but i hope Yeji will kiss me, i wanted to kiss her but i don't wanna take advantage at her especially she's drunk. I wanna know what her lips feels like, i want her to be my first kiss, i like Yeji, i wanted to stay here if Yeji keeps on acting like this in front of me.

Your Voice (Short Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt