~The Record that never Ends~

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As she[Unknown] was sitting on the couch down in the cellar room listing to records and drinking some Dr.Pepper, she thought about how she ended up here: in this crazy house, in this messed up world. She thought about why she was here, what she was meant to do on this place we call earth. She didn't get to finish that thought because the record ended.  so, when she went to get a different record, she saw one that she never saw before...it was called 

S p I n d I a l  R o s e. 

*She picked it up and looked at it for a while...After a bit of hesitation, she decided that she would play it, and if she didn't like it she would turn it off. *

when she put it on the spin table and hit play. There was nothing but silence. then just as she was about to turn it off it started playing. It played beautiful classical music, but it was dark and eerie at the same time. It was almost like you were sitting in an old mansion next to a fireplace on a dark and dreary night...

As it continued to play it felt like she[Unknown] couldn't get up, she was stuck listening to the music. She sat there waiting for the eerie music to stop...but it never did; it kept playing and playing over and over again... 

4 months later the cops found the decaying corpses of the ----- family in the cellar of their house...the daughter was the most decayed out of the four of them. no signs of a struggle...almost as if they just sat there and died. A record was playing when they found the corpses of the family when they tried to turn it off it wouldn't, it just kept playing...

The house has been vacant since and some say that when you pass their house you can still hear the record playing its eerie yet soothing sound...

Killing TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora