~Death by Indifference~

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"I drink till I'm 6 feet under and get high as a rocket ship in space." -[Unknown]

..."Haha! yous loses! yous...thought I couldn'ts drinks...30 s-ots!"...

[Unknown]: To give a little back story this is our main character, Zoey. Zoey is an alcoholic and drug addict because at the age of 4 her parents started to abuse her because they realized what a horrible mistake it was to have a child and wanted to get rid of her. So, at the age of 13, they sold her for $10,000 to a man named Gilbert Van Hasse who took really good care of her for about a year but then died in a horrible car accident. Zoey was very distraught that the one person that showed her kindness died. She decided that she was better off alone than risk being hurt like that again. as you can tell that worked out "great" for her, becoming a drug and alcohol addict; alright, back to the story. 

Zoey was at a bar at around 11:00 am having her usual drinking contest till the last one standing (which she wins almost every time) then she passes out and she wakes up to see that she's at a cemetery. and as if right on cue it starts pouring down rain as she wakes up: "What the fuck?!?" she gets up and runs out of the cemetery to the nearest bus stop that can keep the rain off her awhile. "Damn... it's raining hard, how am I supposed to get homeless center now?"(yes, she lives at the homeless center because she broke as hell.) she looks around as cars drive by and people scurry to get to cover; as she's looking, she finds a stash of weed behind a trashcan "don't mind if I do..." she says. She starts laughing and running around in the rain like a maniac...she finds herself running up the stairs to a roof of a hotel when she reaches the top she stops and takes some more of the weed that she found. "I got nothing to lose anyway...but what's the point of being miserable and sad when I can be drinking and doing drugs!"  she starts dancing on top of the roof and gets closer to the edge. "Haha heh! Ooo! look at all the tiny cars and people!" (She looks up) "Ooo the clouds are gone! look at all the pretty stars!" (She steps on the ledge of the roof) Ooo if only I could touch the stars! if only I can fly! she looks down "...what if... I can fly. What if I can fly!"... And then she jumped. 

[Unknown] in the short time that you knew Zoey you saw that her life was an absolute waste of time and that so easily she just. Jumped. just like that.  she didn't even know where she was half the time because of the drugs or alcohol that she was on. honestly, what were you expecting? Some great saviors that would come in and help her? No. you couldn't be more wrong people are very indifferent in this world and don't see the signs of what people may be going through and even if they did see the signs, they didn't do anything. that shows you just how messed up people can be.

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