"Uh, I wanted to show you something I've always liked, but we need to fly again." Hawks said suddenly.

"Really?" You whined softly, "You fly so fast, it's scary..."

"I could slow down if you'd like?" He asked as he smiled at you and all of a sudden you were very aware of the fact that this hot hero was holding your hand.

"I-I think that might actually be worse???" You said, trying not to pay attention to his warm hand holding yours.

"Come on!~" he said, "Please? Just close your eyes when we lift off, trust me!"

"Oh, okay." You resigned and he beamed.

Hawks lead you a little farther down the road then stopped and pulled your towards him, wrapping you in a tight hug.

"I like flying with you, it gives me an excuse to hug ya." He stated plainly then, without warning, launched into the sky.

"HAWKSSS!!" You screeched as he shot strait up. He let let out a carefree laugh, and although you hated his ass right now, that laugh was gorgeous .

He shot across the city and landed on top of a building that was right beside a lake. The moonlight was shimmering across the surface and the twinkling lights form the building nearby reflected in the water.

Hawks set your feet down and hugged you a little longer until he felt your shaking body relax.

"You okay now?" He asked as he pulled back from you.

You hummed as you nodded, "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere I like to go." He said as he took your hand and led you to the edge of the building.

"Oh- nonononononono!" You chanted as he got closer to the edge, "No, I can't sit on edge!" you said, violently shaking your head.

"Just don't look directly down, yeah?" He said as he ran a hand through his hair and looked back at you over his shoulder with a half smirk,

"But just know, if you fall I'll definitely catch you." He added. You nodded, stepping up beside him and fixing your gaze a little farther out over the water. He sat down and you sat beside him, your hands still clasped together. 

"Well... I better learn how to fight one-handed." He commented casually with a sigh. You looked at him, raising a brow. "You're cutting off the circulation." He added, squeezing your hand gently as he chuckled softly.

"Oh gosh!" You gasped, "I-I'm so sorry!" You said, quickly letting go of his hand.

"I think you're doing really well." He commented, looking at you with half lidded eyes as he leaned forward and rested his cheek in his hand with elbow on leg. 

"Hawks, you're going to fall off the roof! You've got to be careful!"

"I've got wings, baby, I'm all set." He said, continuing to gaze at you, a half smirk pulling at his lips. You blinked and looked away as he continued to look at you. You felt SUPER self-conscious to have him just silently observe your side profile.

"Aren't you gonna look at the view?" You asked as you looked at him.

"Already am..." He said lowly as his golden eyes caught the light of the moon and burned into yours, Your heart nearly stopped and you looked away to try and compose yourself.

"Hey." He said softly and you looked back at him again, "I really like you." He said still watching you with that unwavering gaze as he continued to rest his cheek in his hand.

"Do you like me?" He asked simply.

You froze. That was so blunt and to the point... Come on girl, say it back! You know you like him, TELL HIM! You though but all your body responded with was a nod. Yeesh... Well, It was something I guess? You thought

Hawks laughed, "That's all I get? A head nod?" He chuckled.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" You wailed softly, looking down and staring into your lap, "I really do like you, I've liked you for a while now! I'm sorry- I'm trying so hard to be more confident but now I've just become more awkward! Ugh!" 

He chuckled again and you looked at him, "You're really cute, you know?" Hawks said as he reached out and stroked your cheek, running his hand down to your chin. Your heart rate instantly peaked again.

He removed his hand from your chin and sat up, shifting closer to you, his eyes continuing to lock you in place. 

You stayed looking up at him as he gazed down at you and then he gently caressed your chin again, tilting your head up slightly.

Is he gonna kiss me?... Oh- Oh my god, he's really 'bout to kiss me!

Your mouth ran dry as he started to slowly lean down, his lips parted as he bent down to you. Your eyelids fluttered shut and you reached your face up to his, his soft lips connecting with yours.

We're kissing? We're kissing. We're kissing! WE. ARE. KISSING RIGHT NOW!- OH... MY GOD! Your brain flipped out as he pulled away momentarily then came back in for another... Than another... And another. 

Hawks seemed unwilling to let it end as his soft lips met yours a few more times.

"Man, I just can't seem to stop." He said with a light chuckle. "Your lips are so damn addictive..."


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